Chapter: 4

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the 66 reads on this story! I will attempt to make sure that there will be more information about what is happening in this world a bit more and make sure that I try and reach up to or over 4000 words per chapter, that is including the Author notes for each and every chapter. I hope you all enjoy this story of Izuku's ascent into being one of the most powerful beings within Devil Society!

"Alright Izuku, the first thing we need you to do before you head out to deliver some Devil summoning papers, is to summon your Sacred Gear." Rias said, as Izuku thought about something. Lifting his left hand, he thought about placing a bunch of power in his left hand and imagined it as if he was charging an attack or smash that All Might throws around there and as soon as the thought finished itself a red gauntlet appeared. It was small around his wrist as well as fingerless portions where his fingers could stick out, there was two gold protrusions where they looked similar to horns sticking out the sides of his wrist. "That doesn't look like your true Sacred Gear. From the energy that Koneko sensed from you, it was supposed to be Draconian in nature, whatever, we can work with this." Rias said, as she gave Izuku a training regimen to follow. "Do this every day for the next few weeks and you should be strong enough to handle a Fallen Angel on your lonesome should you come into contact with one." Rias said, as Izuku took the training regimen. "Thanks, I will get to sending these papers out around the town." Izuku said, as he left the room. Walking around the building he noticed a slight power increase inside a chained door where there was a magic circle around the doors. "Hm, whoever is inside there must be masking their power. I wonder if they are alright or lonely in there?" Izuku asked aloud as he left the building. Leaving the building, Izuku walked through the day to his classes before completing the assignments for each class that was given to him. As soon as the school day was over Izuku was out in the night delivering some devils summons out to potential customers as he found a store that needs some assistance in workers/employees. Entering the building he was looking around for the boss of the place when he came across a buff and tall man who was at the register with a bored expression on his face. "U-Um, sir?" Izuku asked, as the buff man looked at him with a confused expression. "I-Is this place needing employees?" Izuku asked, as the man looked at him more closely. "What is your expertise?" He asked, as Izuku talked about his observation skills as well as how he was a hard worker. "Hm, you seem to have everything that I need to make sure you can work here a while. Well when do you think you can start?" The man asked, as Izuku asked about the next week after school. "You go to school? Why do you want a job right now?" He asked, scratching his head. "I just don't want my guardians to be paying the bills on their own." Izuku said, looking at the ground. "Well I don't care, you can start next Tuesday after that you can get into the play of things as things develop." The buff man said, giving Izuku an employee's uniform. Leaving the store, Izuku waved at the man before running off and into the night as the buff man had a soft smile on his face before becoming more serious. "Are you sure that was the boy who killed Raynare?" The man asked as he transformed back into a slightly shorter man with a golden fringe in his black hair looking to one of his lower rankings Fallen Angels. "That was him sir." The fedora wearing man said, looking out the window angrily. "So he is this Generations version of him huh? I can't wait to see how strong he gets." The Fallen Angel said, smirking.


Izuku ran back to his home as he got straight to training himself as he wanted to see what his true Sacred Gear was. He knew that it was Draconian in nature since that was what his master told him, he wasn't that miffed about being a Devil. At least he didn't have to worry about Katsuki butting into his business. But as if answering some kind of karma kind of answer, he saw Katsuki looking around the area with a scowl on his face. Walking up to the boy, Izuku patted his shoulder. "What are you doing here Bakugo?" Izuku asked, sternly. "So this is where you've been, what made you stop thinking about being a Hero!?" He called out, angrily. "You did. Don't give me that look, Bakugo. You made it your mission to make sure that I didn't become a Hero, and I'm sure that you're here to rub it in my face that you are on your way to become one. Can't just leave me alone can you." Izuku said, as he sat down at a table nearby. Katsuki sat down next to him as he smirked at him as the boy stared at Izuku with a mirth in his eyes that was border lining on villainous. "Well you guessed right, I made it into the Hero Course with just my power alone! You can't become a Hero like you have been trying to." The boy said, as Izuku slapped him upside the head. "If you are only here in Kuoh Town to gloat, then you should leave. I have friends here and I will not have you ruining that, if you don't heed this warning, you can kiss your chance at being a Hero goodbye." Izuku said, getting up and walking away. Leaving Bakugo seething in anger as he got on a bus and left the small town as only one thought came to his mind. 'I will make sure that you don't talk shit to me again after this. As soon as I am a Hero, I will lord my status over you and put you in your place!' The boy thought as the bus left the town. 

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