Chapter: 26

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of High School DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I hope that the previous chapters have been to your liking, not to mention the fact that our main characters seem to be having a lot of fun when entering this kind of battle! Now that the threat of Loki has been defeated and sent away, we are returning back to a slice of life portion of the story before building up to the Young Devil's Tournament! Without further ado, let's begin!

Izuku would wake up from his overuse of both One for All as well as his Sacred Gear, he never thought that fighting the God of Mischief had made him use that much power. But he thought nothing of it as he focused on the thoughts he had before Loki was defeated; he could distinctly remember Loki screaming out at him through the pain of Mjolnir electrocuting him. 

"D-Damn you Red Dragon Emperor?! I-I curse both you and the Crimson Ruin Princess! You will never know what true love feels like!" Were Loki's last words before being teleported away from the battlefield.

Izuku looked down at his arms as he noticed that they were bulging with both power as well as seemingly strain. Lowering the power of One for All that had been used subconsciously, Izuku stared at his surroundings and found himself within the room given to him during his stay at the Gremory Mansion. 'If he really cursed me, I should inform Rias about this, it could cause us some problems later on if we try to continue our relationship.' Izuku thought to himself as the person he was thinking about entered the room. "Oh, you're awake, I thought you wouldn't wake up until tomorrow at the latest. How did you sleep?" Rias asked, as she walked over to him. "I'm fine, just having some thoughts about what Loki told me before he was sealed away." Izuku said, as Rias looked at him concerned. "Is there something wrong with what he stated?" Rias questioned as Izuku nodded. "I think he cursed both you and me Rias." Izuku said, as Rias looked shocked. "We should probably inform Lord Odin as well as Sirzechs, they are the only ones strong enough to break the curse." Rias said, as Izuku and the young woman had left the room. Had they paid more attention they would've seen Xenovia looking at them in curiosity on the bed as she had been completely naked and had some white fluids pouring out of her mouth. 


Izuku and Rias stood before Sirzechs, they had heard from the older brother of Rias that Odin had left as soon as his defiant son was placed inside his jail cell in Asgard. The old man had to return back to Asgard in order to set about Loki's punishment for attempting to break apart their treaty between Asgard and the Christian Pantheon. So as Izuku and Rias explained their situation to Sirzechs, the man had made it his mission to look over the love curses that he could know from Asgardian languages that he could read. And he immediately found the curse that was causing the two the most issues since Izuku said he heard Loki curse both him and Rias at the same time before he was sealed away. Once Sirzechs informed them about the way to break it, they had both set about breaking it instantly, and once the day was over the two could easily say that the curse was broken. All they really needed to do was go out on a date within the timeframe, which was given, and the curse was broken. Izuku had never felt prouder of his ability to make Rias laugh more that day, and as the duo were returning to the home of the Gremory family, they found Rias' peerage preparing to leave. They had been told that they needed to return back to the human world before anyone got too suspicious about their leave of absence. They all soon returned back to Kuoh as they prepared for their schooling for the rest of the year, everyone knew that they'd have more homework to do over the vacation they were given so made sure it was done as they left. Once Izuku returned back into the home of the Hyoudou's he noticed something was wrong with the duo, especially since when he started living in Kuoh, Miki wasn't showing signs of being pregnant. So the fact that she was around 5 months pregnant with a child made Izuku wary about how the woman was pregnant. Once she had informed him that because of Izuku's ability to have a relationship with two women made her and Gorou decide to try for one last child of their own before making sure that they can't have any more children. They wanted this one to be a girl so that Izuku could be an older brother to her and wouldn't take no for an answer if he was against the idea. Izuku was just unhappy that he was left out of the question of being an older sibling, he was really protective of the younger children at the orphanage since he was the oldest there. He gave Miki a hug stating that he would love to be an older brother, even if he wasn't their child by blood. And he would be going about his rest of the year looking much happier now that he was stated to becoming a bigger brother to the Hyoudou family's newest child. He had informed Rias and the rest of the peerage about Miki's pregnancy as well as they came and gave congratulations to the young soon to be mother and wished her well. Although unaware to the fact that Izuku was keeping an eye on the newborn who was gestating within Miki's womb during the night as he used magic to keep the baby fed as well as healthy enough to survive birthing in another 4 months. As Izuku moved on with his life within Kuoh, Azazel had informed Rias' peerage that the entire second year classes would be having a field trip into Kyoto so that they could get an eye for some jobs there. Izuku was happy since he knew that the place was home to some of the best massage buildings that his Orphanage mother took him to when he was younger. So he was aware of the fact that he would like to go to a massage building in order to decrease the amount of tenseness in his muscles. He had been training his body for the last 8 months since becoming a Devil so that he could become as strong as possible as fast as possible. But he wanted to make sure that this trip would be completely therapeutic for him because all he wanted was a week of nothing but peace and quiet. Izuku was also informed that certain individuals who are a part of Heaven as well as the Grigori would be joining in Kuoh Academy and that he was given express permission to show them around. Nodding along to the idea, Izuku made sure to keep his mind out of the gutter when he found out that the people who were being brought into Kuoh Academy's academy was Irina Shidou as well as a Fallen Angel named Elizabeth. The young woman had an appearance that was similar to what the Bible had portrayed was Mary. The young girl had blonde hair that was done in braids as she looked around the age of at least 16. He showed the two around the school as they got close to the young man, he made sure to keep evil thoughts out of his head at the uniforms he saw them in. 'Ddraig, is it just me or are the girls from other Factions just that much more beautiful?' Izuku thoughtfully asked Ddraig within his mind. [Last I checked, Elizabeth is just as beautiful as both Serafall as well as Gabriel within Heaven and Hell respectively. So I can easily state that those who are born into the Factions as members of each one are born beautiful.] Ddraig supplied as Izuku sighed. It was later that evening that Izuku went out on his pact runs that he met up with Ochako Uraraka once more and as soon as he was on school grounds once more, he found himself surrounded by UA staff. "Can someone please inform me as to why the UA staff are surrounding me?" Izuku asked as the entire Class 1-A had looked at him confused. Most of all was Bakugo Katsuki as he glared at the Devil boy with disdain as well as fury, but the rest of the class looked at one another. "Um, they don't trust you have good intentions since you're a Devil. The last few times you were here, you did run away from them." Sero called out, he was a boy with tape dispensers at his elbows. "You all are aware that if I wanted nothing but harm to you all, I could easily kill you all with just my Sacred Gear, right?" Izuku asked to the teachers as the black-haired one stepped forward. "Show it to us and we can see if I can cancel it." He said seriously as Izuku summoned his Sacred Gear. Once his Sacred Gear was shown to the group as well as teachers, the black-haired man just sighed as he looked at the one in charge. A small animal with white fur as well as a scar running along its eye had stared at Izuku with awe as well as curiosity. "You are telling us that with confidence, you could easily kill everyone within the school on your own? How so? We have a Hero who could knock you out with her own quirk." The animal said, as Izuku stared at it. "Well if I had to say specifically, just knock out the woman with Somnambulist. Then I could easily kill all of you without a second thought. I am the descendant of a Dragon as well as a Human, so her quirk might not work on me. But at the same time, with just a singular boost of my power I could easily kill all of you with one hit. That means you to sir." Izuku said, as he pointed at a wall. "So what are you doing here anyway?" The small creature asked. "I'm here to fulfil a contract between me and Uraraka-san. Who I look towards as a smaller sibling." Izuku said, as the creature nodded. "Well what do these contracts mean for you?" The creature asked. "They ensure that I can grow stronger, but so long as I get something in return for my services, I can help out Uraraka-san with whatever she wishes. That is within reason, we do not take souls as a price." Izuku said, as the creature smiled. "Well then, do you have that pamphlet that Uraraka-san gave us for this summoning?" The creature asked. Izuku pulled one out and gave it to the creature as he left without much words, as Izuku looked at the black-haired man the two stared at one another as the man stopped using his quirk. "Just make sure that you don't take the souls of my kids. They are still learning how to become Heroes." The man said, as Izuku stared at him. "Why is Bakugo here?" Izuku asked, with barely restrained rage. "What are you talking about?" The man asked looking back at Izuku. "He shouldn't be allowed here with what he's done in the past, especially what he had done about 8 months ago." Izuku said, as the man gained a glint in his eye. "Oh, that event. He was placed on probation, if he steps outside of that for even one event, he will be expelled. I do not allow bullies within my class; he has been getting better over time and I have seen fit that he stays here unless he becomes a villain on the street." The man said, as Izuku nodded. "Keep an eye on him though, he might be hiding his true nature underneath a mask in order to try and bully others. I should know, because I was the victim for most of my life." Izuku said, as he left the man to think about what Bakugo had done to cause this much hatred from a mere glance at the boy.

Within the safety of Uraraka's room, Izuku sat down at her chair as she looked ashamed of what she had done. "Don't think that you did anything wrong, Uraraka. They told you to summon me just to make sure that I am not as dangerous as they think I am, although they have a reason to believe it." Izuku said, as Uraraka nodded. "Could you help me with my homework again?" Uraraka asked, as Izuku nodded. For a good portion of the night Izuku helped Uraraka with her Calculus homework that she was given by her teacher who was named Ectoplasm. Once their time was up, Izuku gave the girl a hug that she was badly needing, especially since they were going on their Work Studies during this week. "Don't worry about failing Uraraka-san, you will do great. Just make sure to keep an eye out for both yourself as well as those who are in danger. And a little word of advice from one person to another." Izuku said, as he looked at the girl in the eye. Uraraka looked at him as he smiled at her with the most heartwarming smile he could give as she felt her heart throb at it. "It isn't those who are strong and powerful that are the strongest. It's those who can smile in the face of adversity, it is those who can smile in the worst of times, who are the strongest." Izuku said, as he gave the girl one last hug before disappearing in a magic circle.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all are prepared for the next one as it will feature Izuku going into Yokai Territory! I know that this chapter should have been a bit longer, but I don't have much to state for this chapter, so I made it not too long but not too short for those who like to read this story specifically. Get this story up to around 9,500 reads. If you can get it that high, then I will make sure that there is another chapter soon! See you all later!

2444 Words!

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