Chapter: 6

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of High School DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I have been loving all the attention that this story has been getting as it is a what if version of the Izuku's Supernatural Problems with a slight twist. I hope that you all are prepared for this chapter and without further ado, let's begin this tragedy of a chapter!

Izuku was in class, he had been working on his classwork that the teacher had told them would be needed to be turned in at the start of the next school day. He was seen walking with Kiba as the two boys were making conversation about what they needed to do as Low-Class Devils. As they both entered the ORC together Asia was right behind them as they noticed the sad looks of Akeno and Rias as they looked at the floor. "What's wrong Buchou?" Kiba asked, as the boy then recognized the situation that was going to happen this week from Rias' face. "What's wrong Kiba-san?" Izuku asked, as the young man looked over at Izuku. "Riser is supposed to be coming for a visit within the next couple of days, we were only warned about it by Ravel Phenix, Risers' little sister. The girl is being abused by her older brother within his own peerage." Kiba said, as Izuku gained an angered look. "To think that someone could abuse their own sister. What is up with this Supernatural world and wishing to harm others?" Izuku said, as he grouched about this. "It's out of our hands, although we need to get a couple familiars for both of you. One for Izuku and one for Asia-chan." Rias said, as they all looked at one another before a knock was heard from the door. As Rias told whoever was outside the door to come in, Izuku noticed that the Student Council President as well as her peerage was there. Izuku had been told that Souna Shitori was actually a devil within the 72 Pillars of the Underworld that remained in power. "Hello Rias-san, it's been a while since we last met one another." Sona said, as she moved to sit on the couch. "It has been a while Sona, what can I do for you today?" She asked, as Sona began to speak. "Well I wanted to congratulate you on gaining two new pieces within your peerage. What were your plans for today though?" Sona explained before asking her a question. "I was planning on having Izuku and Asia get a familiar today, seeing as they had reached that point in their training." Rias said, as the two peerages looked at one another with confusion. "Well that seems to be where we are at an impasse, only one peerage can enter the Familiar Forest without having to overwhelm the surrounding creatures within. And I was already planning on taking my own pawn there in order to get him a Familiar as well." Sona said, as Izuku stared at the two leaders of their respective peerages. "If you are wanting to get your pawn a Familiar, I can wait a bit longer to get mine." Izuku said, as Asia looked at him concerned. "Are you sure Izuku-san? A Familiar can help you with any things that you might not have time to deal with?" Asia asked, as a young man with tan colored hair walked over. "Hello there fellow maiden! My name is Genshirou Saji! Pawn of Sona Sitri." The Pawn of Sitri said, as he kissed the girl's hand. As the boy did that motion the group looked at Izuku as he seemed to be watching the interaction with a calm exterior as he walked over to the Pawn of Sitri. "Genshirou-san, could you please stop making my fellow peerage-mate uncomfortable?" Izuku asked, as kindly as he could. The boy looked over at Izuku to see that the young man was slightly shorter than him as well as more muscular than him. "You can call me Saji, and what are you doing here? I thought this was a meeting between Devils, not a talk between brother and sister." Saji said, unknowingly causing slight chaos within the room. "What do you mean a talk between a sister and brother?" Izuku asked, as he tilted his head in confusion. Rias looked at the situation and decided to salvage the situation before Izuku would get angered by Saji's blatant disrespect of him. "Saji-san, can you please leave my pieces alone so that we can get to the situation between me and Sona?" She asked, as the young Devil nodded and moved away. "And before you get any idea's Saji, that boy who you so blatantly disrespected is the Red Dragon Emperor. And he used all 8 pieces instead of four pieces of the Pawns within Rias' evil pieces." Sona said, as the boy looked at Izuku with both slight fear and confusion. "THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS AIRHEADED BOY WHO IS MORE LIKE A CINNAMON ROLL, IS A DEVIL THAT TOOK EIGHT PAWN PIECES!" The boy yelled as Izuku became slightly disturbed from the sound. As the peerages worked on what they should do, it was decided that the Kings and Queens of each respective peerage would duke it out in order to make sure that their pieces would get their own familiar. 

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