Chapter: 20

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the support on the previous chapter! I am bringing these memories of Mordred because of the fact that I forgot to mention something about Izuku being a descendant of Mordred. He is the literal Reincarnation of Mordred since the young child of Arthur couldn't become the King of England in the past, she was reincarnated into Izuku's body as his soul essentially absorbed it. I hope these clears things about Izuku suffering from these memory spikes within these chapters I am making recently!

Izuku woke up inside of the ORC as he felt his body being warmed by something nearby, as soon as he looked over towards it he found that it was Koneko's little Familiar. Petting the small cat, the Neko had purred as he gave it some attention when Koneko had entered the room to find Izuku petting her Familiar. "Well at least Kuro likes you, now that your awake you should tell buchou about why you passed out after your fight with the White Dragon Emperor." Koneko said, as she sat down on the couch next to him handing off a candy bar to him. So while Izuku and Koneko had waited for Rias to return in order to talk about the memory he seemed to have. He didn't know about the fact that the dream/memory was just that, a dream or memory, but he knew for a fact that what he witnessed was real. So as he waited for the whole problem to be talked about, he sat next to Koneko as the girl happily ate her snacks whilst he stayed next to her. The two were eating in silence when Rias and the rest of the peerage had arrived at the room as they found Izuku and Koneko were having a small amount of time with one another in peace as Kuro was sitting on his shoulders. "Well at least we know that Izuku is awake, we will talk about why you passed out just after the fight with Vali in a minute, but can I take a picture of you?" Rias asked, as Izuku looked at her with confusion. He looked over to his left shoulder and found Kuro stepping up onto his head as she placed herself in his green bush of hair as she laid down and fell asleep on him. Sighing in happiness, Rias pulled out a camera as she took a picture of him, and Kuro as Koneko looked over to find the situation Izuku was now in. She smirked to herself as a singular thought came to the girl about Izuku. 'If Kuro likes him, then I guess I can like him as well.' 


Once Kuro was sent back to the Familiar realm where they came from, Izuku was sat in front of Rias and the others, and Azazel had decided to show them that he was now in charge of the ORC. "Well Izuku, how about you tell us what happened yesterday when battling Vali?" Azazel asked, pulling out a notebook. "From what I can remember, I was allowing him to leave at the end of the fight. But as I was walking over to everyone, something happened that pushed my mind into something akin to a memory." Izuku said, as everyone looked at him with concern. "It showed me a field of grass stained in blood, but that wasn't the worst part. From my view I could see King Arthur Pendragon standing on a hill with dozens of bodies strewn about and if I could understand correctly Arthur, was a woman. She was crying over the loss of her people as well as those she thought as extremely close to her. I heard another feminine battle cry as seemingly I was fighting Arthur; the fight didn't last long as Arthur pierced my chest with a lance. Once the lance pierced through my chest in the... distant memory, I heard her say something." Izuku said, as Azazel was shocked at this confession. "What did Arthur say exactly?" Azazel asked, as Izuku looked at him with a tear in his eye. "S-She apologized. She didn't want to hurt anyone but left her no choice. But the feminine voice I heard that I believe was Mordred speaking, spoke up. Stating that she only wanted to wield Excalibur as the true heir to the Throne." Izuku said, as Azazel and everyone got to thinking. "You might not just be a descendant of Mordred herself; you might just be some freak reincarnation of the woman only in human form. It explains why you love to fight strong opponents like Vali. Not to mention the dream of becoming a Hero." Azazel said, as Izuku nodded. And just as the group were leaving Izuku felt himself being forcefully summoned away from the area as he released a sigh. "I'm out of a fight for at least a few hours only to be summoned forcefully." Izuku said, before disappearing. As the peerage looked at the news, they could see why this was happening... All Might was facing off against the world's strongest villain. All for One.

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