Chapter: 11

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the 700+ reads on this story! I can't believe that this story has almost reached 1000 reads, the road to 1000 reads is ago! If you all can reach at least 1000 reads, I might bring a female character from the main timeline of MHA into this one to stay! The choices you all have that could join in on the story are as follows: Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Ochako Uraraka, Mina Ashido, Momo Yaoyorozu, Jiro Kyouka, Toru Hagakure, Itsuka Kendo, Setsuna Tokage, Kinoko Komori, Pony Tsunotori, Reiko Yanagi, Nejire Hado, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Ryuko Tatsuma/Ryukyu. That is all for now, let's begin!

It has been a few hours since the peerage had won against Riser Phenix and his peerage. Izuku had just saved both Ravel and Rias from their painful memories of Riser and the Phenix Family as a whole. Rias was more affectionate with Izuku, and for the young man so was Ravel Phenix. It was surprising for him as he was looking at the girl as if she was similar to a younger sister, but he put it aside since she was a beautiful young girl who was his age at least. And to be honest with himself, he did find her attractive in the slightest, but he would rather make sure that she feels good with herself within his home so that she doesn't get any weird feelings with him. But with Rias being more affectionate with him, Ravel had started to take things a bit far in terms of affection towards him, and it got to the point the two were actively vying for his attention at times. "For the last time Rias-buchou, I can't give you attention when I am doing the same for Ravel at the moment. Besides you see me all the time at school, and you are given more attention there than me by others. I don't know why you want my attention so much, as soon as I rise through the ranks within the Devil Faction, I will be making my own peerage anyway." Izuku said, as Ravel looked at the boy. "Could I be a part of your future peerage?" She asked, as Izuku nodded whilst giving her head pats. It was nice for him, he really felt like he was wanted with his new family the Hyoudou's and he was keeping his original name of Midoriya since he didn't wish to be a replacement for the Hyoudou's. He was about to enter the home of the Hyoudou's when the door opened itself revealing Gorou looking at Izuku, Ravel and Rias. "Um, what's wrong?" Izuku asked, concerned as the man started to smile. "Well you didn't inform me that we'd be having guests. What is the occasion for bringing these two ladies here Izuku? What are you trying to lose your V-card already? What a man!" Gorou said, teasingly. "D-Dad! I'm not doing that!? I-I was just going to ask if you could help set up the spare room." Izuku said, looking away touching his index fingers together. "What is the occasion?" The man asked seriously. "Ravel-chan is going to be living with us now, her previous family... wasn't as nice to her, so we helped her get away from them." Izuku said, as Gorou smiled sadly. "I see, well I can help set up the room, you can show her around the place and get her to sleep in your room for the night. Rias you can sleep in Izuku's room as well since we will need to set up the spare room for a couple of days in order to get everything ready for Ravel-chan." Gorou said, as Rias nodded. The group entered the building as Gorou left for some late-night work, and as soon as he pulled out of the yard and left, Izuku pulled both girls into his room.


 As they sat down on his bed, he pulled out some homework that he hadn't completed yet as he started to do it. Both girls watched as he did the work, they couldn't help but smile at how hard working he was, especially when it came to schoolwork. It was near midnight when Izuku stretched from his chair at the desk when he turned around and went over to his desk in order to change his clothes, completely forgetting about the two girls in his room sleeping on his bed. Unknown to the boy, his slight noise in the room had been enough to have both girls pass out completely without him noticing. And as soon as he started to change his clothes, one of the girls woke up and saw what was happening and with a blushing face pretended to still be asleep whilst watching him. She got a good look at his back as she saw the scars there from seemingly burns as well as cuts all over the back. She was concerned when she saw something that was transcribed onto his body but looked away from it. She looked lower and found that he was only taking off his pants, and as she went to look away, she couldn't pull her eyes away as it revealed that he wasn't wearing any underwear, and her face became crimson red. She saw something that she shouldn't have and watched as the massive spot from the boy's crotch swayed as he moved. She then heard a small groan of slight pain as well as anger come from Izuku as he seemingly looked angered at his increased size. "I can't believe that I've only gotten bigger since I gained control over the Boosted Gear. Any idea as to why that is Ddraig?" Izuku asked. [It is to let you be capable of procreation in the future should you require it. As a Dragon you will find mates who will think you are the best chance at securing a legacy. So the side effect of the Boosted Gear is having an increased sexual drive to the point of which it increases the Testosterone in the male body, and a different protein for a female to increase libido.] Ddriag informed as he smirked inside the Boosted Gear. "It's bad enough that I was already big to begin with, but this is just ridiculous. This only happens in doujins where the man has an abnormally large crotch in order to have... s-s-sex. But I never thought that I'd be hit with the same problem, how am I not dead from the sheer size as well as amount of blood having to go there?" Izuku mumbled to himself, not realizing that he was now looking in the girl's way and not seeing how she was staring at his member. Shaking his head, he put on some boxers and climbed into the bed between both girls as he had kept himself quiet about the problem at hand. Maybe it will sober up in the morning, he never really had a problem with it during the mornings. As soon as he laid down on the bed he was out like a light, as the girl revealed herself to be Ravel as she felt something growing up on her rear and she couldn't help but let out a quiet breathily moan as it seemingly grew more on her. 'That boy has no reason to be that big!? H-How is he bigger than my brother and from what Gorou-san said, he was still a virgin! H-Has he never dealt with an erection like that? No matter, I will make sure that if it is still like this in the morning, I will make sure that it is pleased.' Ravel thought to herself. Soon she was out like a light, as the night came to a close, Rias though had been awake the entire time and as soon as she looked over at the sleeping Izuku she turned over her body and reached her hand over and stroked Izuku's increasing mast on Ravel's rear. She bit her lip as she felt the sheer size of it before shaking her head no and went back to bed, tomorrow is another day. 

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