Chapter: 5

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A/N Hello everyone I am back with another chapter for this story of High School DXD A Heroes Arrival! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter as it will get into the plot of the first arc that we will about to be entering! The Riser Phenix Arc! It will start with Izuku saving Asia from the clutches of the Fallen Angels as they were plotting to take over the town of Kuoh without their Leader's knowledge! Let's begin the chapter!

[I am surprised that you hadn't even known that you were the child between a human and a Dragon. For that I am extremely disappointed in you partner.] Ddraig said, as Izuku stared at his left hand in shock. "Ddraig, I should let you know that I have been an orphan for about as much of my life that I've known. I had no knowledge of the fact that I had Dragon DNA within my own body." Izuku said, as Ddraig seemingly gave Izuku a deadpanning expression from his Sacred Gear. [How did you survive all those explosions during your youth then?] Ddraig asked, as Izuku stood there thinking about it. "I've always had a high pain tolerance growing up, I had been subjected his blasts ever since I was four years old. So the fact that I survived this long means I had gained a resistance against his explosive punches as well as explosions that he'd created." Izuku said, as the Dragon nodded without Izuku knowing. [Well the training that you've been undergoing is good enough, just keep at it until you can continue to release all your power against your foes. In terms of sheer power however, you are as strong as a young Dragon as soon as they are released into the wild.] Ddraig said, as he grumbled. "Is that supposed to be an insult Ddraig, since I don't know how a baby dragon is supposed to be strong in terms of power compared to mine." Izuku said, as he walked out of the forest. [Your power alone is as strong as a baby dragon about to enter his/her first stage of increase of power. In terms of experience as well as fighting prowess you are as strong as a Mid-Class Dragon in terms of power alone.] Ddraig explains. "So Mid-Class Dragon in terms of fighting prowess as well as experience, but in terms of power as strong as a baby Dragon. Good to know, I can use that seemingly weakness to my advantage. How strong is a baby Dragon compared to a Devil?" Izuku asked, as he thought about his problems. [In terms of Devil powers, you are as strong as a high tier Mid-Class Devil in terms of power and prowess. But in terms of overall power, you are as strong as a low tier High-Class Devil.] Ddraig supplied, as Izuku nodded. "Have you met Riser Phenix before Ddraig? Because I would like to know how much power is needed to knock him down a peg or two." Izuku said, as Ddraig thought about it. [I haven't met the second son of the Phenix Clan, but from what I have heard about from other hosts, he has been undefeated in Rating Games except for twice when he let his opponents win in order to strengthen ties between the Phenix and their families in the Underworld.] Ddraig said, as Izuku thought about it. "Since he is a Phoenix in terms of animals in the Underworld for blood, he has the ability to regenerate as well up to the point that it would seem as if no damage was dealt to him." Izuku then deducted. [That is correct partner, but in terms of power, you aren't anything to him at the moment. You could try and learn some Senjutsu from the Yokai as well as Touki in order to increase your damage output. But I'm not sure if that would help you in terms of keeping your master safe.] Ddraig said, as Izuku thought about it more. "Well... let's get to training. I need everything I can get my hands on in order to become strong enough to save Rias-san from her marriage with Riser Phenix." Izuku said, as he walked home.


Izuku got home late around 9 pm since he had his job to do at a small convenience store down the road from his new home. He had been collecting as much money in order to help out around the home so that he doesn't seem to be useless to the family. He walked through the doors as he made sure to keep to himself so that he can make sure that his guardians can have their free time. He went into his bedroom as he saw that his computer was already on, getting on it he searched up ways for him to learn Touki as well as Senjutsu for the upcoming fight against Riser. He knew that this fight would end up being him and Rias against some of Riser's forces as Izuku would be forced to strain his power in order to help her win. He remembers how he wanted to protect the children from the rude people of the world with his own power as well as fighting skills. So as he studied the Yokai's specialty of Senjutsu and Touki he had entered a state of meditation in order to learn how to do these things. He was meditating inside his mind when he suddenly was surrounded by a white background as he saw Ddraig walk up to him with flames moving about the area. [It seems like you have managed to find this area with meditation, I am surprised that out of all my hosts, you were the only one capable of doing this. You are going to become one of the best Red Dragon Emperor's in all of History.] Ddraig said, as he smiled down at Izuku. "I have to learn how to use Touki as well as Senjutsu in order to make sure that I can defeat Riser Phenix with Rias by my side. I know that if I use those powers I can defeat him, I just am having a hard time understanding the inner workings of the powers." Izuku said, as he spoke to the dragon about his issues with the training.

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