Chapter: 10

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the love for this story! I hope it is too your liking and I can certainly hope that the way this fight between Izuku and Riser will go the way you all hope it does, and certainly hope that Izuku will not fail in his promise to keep Rias safe! But without further ado, let's begin the chapter! Also, before I forget, this is the song that will be playing during the fight between Izuku and Riser.

As the fighting in the Rating Game Exhibition match began, Izuku moved back within the ORC as he made sure to make himself scarce. As the Familiar's placed traps all over the ORC's location, Rias and the others began their plan as they sent Yuuto and Koneko over to the Gym in order to gain it as a location to be used. When they entered the building Yuuto and Koneko had engaged in combat against the Rook, and three pawns inside as they made to follow their plan. The first part of the plan was extremely simple, make Riser think that Rias is using her stronger pieces first before sending in Akeno to blow up the Gym and bring her back. Then have Izuku move in to remove Yuuto and Koneko before Yubelluna could come in and take out key members of the peerage. Everything was going according to the plan that was set up by Rias, but the second part of the plan was completely based on chance. From what they all knew, Izuku would be as close to the building as possible and would get them out of there before Yubelluna could get the chance to attack. As soon as Koneko and Yuuto had defeated their enemies, Izuku busted through the side of the Gym as he grabbed both people and ran off into the forest nearby. It wasn't much longer when Akeno arrived at the Gym and blew it up defeating a Queen level Rook, and three pawns within the Gym. Izuku had taken down a Bishop as well as three pawns of his own when he was patrolling the ORC's outskirts and had arrived in time to get Koneko and Yuuto out of there. They were heading over to the Track and Field of Kuoh Academy as Izuku noticed on the coms that Akeno and Yubelluna had encountered the other. Izuku found himself, Yuuto and Koneko standing in front of the group of remaining Phenix Peerage members. A rook, A bishop, 2 pawns and one knight. The bishop though was who he was really looking at as the girl looked like she didn't want to be here fighting the Gremory Peerage. Izuku walked over to the girl as she noticed he was looking at her with something that wasn't lust like her brother did. Izuku kneeled a little to get on her height as he placed a palm over her head as she physically flinched at his touch. As she looked up to him, Izuku only smiled at her as he told her the one thing, he was planning on doing for her. "You need help?" Izuku asked, as the girl looked at him scared. "W-What do you mean by that?" She asked, as Izuku placed a hand over hers. "I asked, if you needed some help?" Izuku repeated his question.


Over nearby Rias could see that her plans were coming to fruition and couldn't wait in order to attack Riser. She was seen in Izuku's peripherals as he sighed slightly angrily as he thought about how she was screwing up the plan that they had both made. "What's your name young lady?" Izuku asked, as the girl looked at him. "R-Ravel Phenix." "That's a beautiful name. Based on the Immortal Phenix Ravella right?" Izuku asked, as Ravel looked at him. "Y-Yeah, how d-did you know?" She asked, as Izuku smiled at her. "I did my research. But I apologize, I need to stop your peerage from winning this." Izuku said, as he did a chop to her neck. As she was about to pass out from the sudden damage to her neck she smiled as she asked a question of her own. "Could you save me from my family?" Izuku looked on as the girl turned into blue modes of light as he smirked to himself. "I will make it my mission after this." Izuku said, as she fully disappeared. As soon as he turned around, he found that his peerage-mates had managed to take down their own opponents, but they were weak at the moment. "Ddraig, is now a good time to show my new form?" Izuku asked, as he looked at his left wrist. [Not at this moment, wait a little bit more. You'll need all the power possible in order to shove it in that bastard's face that he isn't immortal.] Ddraig said, as Izuku nodded. Izuku then made his way towards the school building as he wanted to make Riser's pain slow and painful... as painful as possible. From what Ravel had told him, she was being abused by her family as well as her older brother, and if there was anything that he hated more than anything... it was bullies and abusive families. Entering the building he coldly stated his promotion to Queen Piece as he felt a rush of power entering through his body before he started his boosting. Climbing up the stairs, he allowed Kiba and Koneko to pass him up as he deliberately made his climbing slow as he wanted to collect as much power as possible so that he could take Riser by surprise. It wasn't much longer before he found his way onto the rooftop and climbed up it as he saw his peerage-mates attacking Riser with everything they had. But from what it looked like... it wasn't doing anything productive. Izuku was slowly moving in on Riser from behind as the man was so arrogant about his win coming that he never noticed Izuku's rising power and pressure beginning to overpower his own. The other peerage-mates of his noticed his presence noticeably lowering Riser's pressure as they all smiled happily. "What is wrong? Are you all going delusional in your last moments?" Riser asked, arrogantly. It wasn't much longer before he got his answer with a punch through his torso as he coughed up some blood. Looking down he found a gauntleted hand holding the heart from his chest as it beat in his hand. Riser then watched as Izuku pulled his hand back inside his body as he let go of the heart allowing the man to regenerate the wounds. Riser stumbled forwards as he turned around to only meet a fist to his face sending him to the ground below. When the dust cloud had cleared up, Izuku looked at the downed Phenix as he smirked evilly as he felt the power starting to make his judgement clouded somewhat. Sue him, he loved when he could fight an opponent at full power, and that was partially the reason why he fought Katsuki so much. He jumped from the building and landed nearby as he started to walk over to Riser as the man got up and dusted himself off. "To think a pawn such as yourself could really stand up to me. That was a lucky shot you got on me." Riser arrogantly said, as Izuku stared at him as he formed Draconic wings on his back with devil ones. "You know something Riser... I've never really liked you. From the moment you appeared in the ORC looking and acting like a spoiled brat, I have nothing but disappointment for you. You have the entire harem that most men nowadays would kill to have, and you are just so greedy that you wanted to add more to it?" Izuku asked, as he stood in front of the man now. Riser was tall, imposing even with his power of regeneration... but compared to the pressure that Izuku, who was much shorter than Riser by the way, it was like a kitten attacking a bear. "I know that I have the power to completely annihilate you from this world if I wanted to. The impalement of your body whilst holding your heart was the main factor for doing so." Izuku said, as Riser got noticeably more scared in his posture. "P-Preposterous! The Phenix Clan are immortal beings! We simply cannot die from any normal means of fighting!" Riser called out, as Izuku circled the man. "While yes, it is almost impossible to kill a member of your house, it is not at the same time impossible to kill a Phenix. You can kill it as many times as you like, it will just revive from its ashes, but nobody, said anything about breaking it's will to live." Izuku said, as he glared at the Phenix Descendant. He started to reveal his newfound power from his 10 days of training as Riser began to realize true fear. Izuku's form began to get slightly bigger, from his 5'5 height to around the same height of Riser himself 5'10, Izuku's body formed Draconic horns as well as a Draconic tail with spikes on the end. His fangs had become much sharper as well as his tongue becoming more forklike in nature, but his eyes were the main thing that set off Riser. Izuku's emerald eyes had changed somewhat from their original emerald look to having one emerald eye and one golden eye, that were slitted like a Dragons. "T-There is no way! Y-You're the D-Descendant of a Dragon!?" Riser called out, fearfully. "I never truthfully knew about my lineage until Ddraig told me about it about a month and a half ago. But ever since I found out, I had done some research around the subject, I finally noticed who was my true parentage. But I will leave that as a surprise for later, I want to meet me Draconic mother soon, but I guess I should focus on you." Izuku said, as he flew past the Phenix Heir. As he was now standing behind the Phenix Heir he looked behind himself as Riser was slowly moving to turn his body around as it trembled softly. "You know, I just don't understand why you would abuse your little sister like this. Making her a part of your harem, that is a bad thing you should be doing. You should be protecting your little sister from people who will use her feelings against her, although if it comes down to it... I will take her in for your worthless family." Izuku said, as his body glowed red. Turning around fully, Izuku saw the telegraphed punch coming for him as he dodged the strike as Riser showed his true anger. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY LITTLE SISTER FROM ME YOU BASTARD!" Riser screamed as he attacked in a flurry of punches and kicks powered by his Phoenix Flames. Izuku dodged each strike as well as kick from his opponent as the man was working tirelessly to at least hit Izuku even once. [I think now's the time to show him just how far ahead of him you really are partner.] Ddraig informed finally. 'Finally.' Izuku thought to himself before kicking Riser back and into the ground. As Izuku moved back a few meters he started to power up as his aura had shown as the winds in the area started to be blown back in different directions. "Balance... Break!" Izuku said, as red armor had started to glow into existence and formed over his body. Izuku's arms had red armor appearing over his left arm as if it was some mecha anime as it clunked together as they did the same for the rest of his body. Eventually it came down to his head as Izuku stopped the transformation of his Balance Breaker form for added effect. "Tonight, I dine on Yakitori!" Izuku said, before the helmet had clunked over his face and mouth. As soon as his transformation was complete, Izuku launched himself faster than that of Riser's previous speed as he punched the Phenix Heir in the stomach causing him to fold over Izuku's wrist and arm. Inside the armor, Izuku was smirking to himself as he kicked Riser into the School before following suit. Everyone on the building of the school had ultimately made the decision to jump away from it as they were in awe of Izuku's crimson red, Balance Breaker form. "Since when could Izuku do that!" Rias called out, as Akeno and Koneko looked in awe. "Oh, he could do that since the last day of training Buchou." Kiba said, as everyone looked at him. "Why didn't you think it was a good idea to tell me about this?" Rias asked, concerned. "He wanted it to be a surprise, it wouldn't be a surprise if he told us about it, now, would it?" Kiba asked, as Rias and the other's nodded exasperatedly. 

Back with Izuku and Riser, the young man was essentially bullying Riser with his power as he was giving the man a great pounding. Get your minds out of the gutters! Like he was literally pounding the man into Swiss cheese! Izuku stood up from the small crater of what remained of the school as he looked down at the many holes of Riser Phenix. "This is pathetic, this is the Ultimate Phenix? I thought that went to your older brother." Izuku said, scoffing. He picked up the downed Phenix Family member as he kicked the man and sent him tumbling away from himself as he landed in a storage room. Izuku walked slowly over to his enemy as Izuku found Riser regenerating at an extremely slow pace now that he had damage to the inside of his body. "H-How are you this s-strong!" Riser exclaimed as he struggled to stand properly. "That's easy, you gave me the time to train harder than ever before." Izuku said, before kicking the man in the stomach causing him to throw up his lunch. As Riser heaved on the ground coughing up his lunch and breakfast, Izuku stood above the Phenix Heir as he glared down at the man. He charged a blast that would only knock out the Phenix as he glared at the man with as much hate as possible. "Any last words before you have your first official loss?" Izuku asked, as Riser looked up at him. "W-What can I g-give you in order to get y-you to back off, a-and away from m-my family?" Riser asked, as Izuku thought about it. "Allow your sister to move into my home and become mine." Izuku said, as his Draconic instincts were flaring up at this moment. "L-Like in bed?" Riser asked, a little blush adorning his face. "N-NO! I wouldn't do that to her unless she wanted it! A-Although I have no idea about how to bed her. I will not do so unless she wants it, I will give her the family she deserves. As well as break up this arranged marriage to Rias Gremory." Izuku said, as Riser stared at Izuku looking into his eyes. They were still slits, as Izuku glared down at the Phenix Heir, and Izuku was looking into Riser's own eyes. "I accept, y-your terms then. R-Red Dragon Emperor. Although the entire Devil Faction will have y-your head f-for stopping t-this marriage." Riser said, as Izuku blasted him into blue modes of light. "I know. And I will take on any challenge who thinks they will take my King from me." Izuku said, as his armor disappeared as he took a knee. Taking deep gulps of air into his body, Izuku had thought about how close that was for him to losing that fight. 'Damn, I need to train more in that form if I don't wish to have a close call like that again.' Izuku thought as he spoke mentally to Ddraig. [You're telling me Partner; I thought you were about to pass out from the exertion.] Ddraig bantered. 'Well at least we are saving Rias and Ravel.' Izuku thought to himself as he passed out on the ground.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, and that you all were having a blast reading it. This chapter isn't as long as previous chapters since it was mainly the battleground for the Rating Game that was happening, it was all for the sake of fighting. The next few chapters might be longer, I don't know completely but I will make it my mission to make every chapter after this longer since it will be exposition dumping. Get this story up to around... 600 reads and I will make another chapter for you all. Since you all keep going above and beyond my reading goals. See you all later!

2828 Words!

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