Chapter: 32

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I hope you all haven't been waiting too long for this chapter to come out! For this little arc of mine, it is a completely different arc compared to the other's that I have made for this story. Most of this story has been me following everything within High School DXD itself, but this one is something that I had decided to make sure is completely original whilst using some characters within DXD as the antagonist.

Izuku teleported back into his home within Kuoh Town as he went to lay down on his bed. His talk with Principal Nezu of UA Academy had been very long as well as filled with some bits of fun as he was challenged to a game of chess. He had lost but it was really hard to actually defeat the Principal, even the Principal himself had informed Izuku that that game of chess was the most fun he'd had in years! Now, as he laid on the bed, he felt it compress as Ravel appeared in front of him as she snuggled next to him really close. Pulling her body close to his own, Izuku snuggled her as close to his chest as possible as she let out a sigh of relief as they both fell into the world of dreams. 

In the depths of his dreams Izuku found himself staring at Ddraig as the Dragon himself had been staring at him with complete confusion as well as worry. [What are you doing here Partner?] Ddriag asked, concerned. "What are you talking about? Didn't you bring me here?" Izuku asked, when a third person appeared although very faded. "I brought you both here." The faded person said, as Izuku gave the man a much more visible body to be seen. Both Dragon and Human looked at the man as he stood in front of them without a speck of fear within their bones as they looked at the two. "So, is there a reason as to why you brought us here..." Izuku asked, before realizing he didn't know the man's name. "My name is Yoichi Shigaraki. And I am known as the First User of One for All. I would personally like to thank you for taking my brother down once and for all. Personally." Yoichi's spirit said, as he gave Izuku a sad smile. [Well your welcome, is there anything else we should be worried about?] Ddraig questioned. "You should know that my brother didn't leave his student all alone out there. He has his own set of allies who know about the Supernatural World that you both live inside of. He has made allies with a group called the Khaos Brigade, and I have no clue as to how he did this. But keep an eye out for whoever wishes harm on the Devils. Especially Evil Dragons." Yoichi said, as he slowly faded out of view and was replaced with a tall woman. "Wow, I thought he'd continue to brood like he always did." The woman said, as Ddraig started to laugh hysterically. Shaking his head, Izuku turned to the woman as he waited for her to speak to him, if Yoichi was finished, he would be brought back to the living world. "Is there anything else you would like to talk about?" Izuku asked, as the woman spoke. "Well considering your being nice about it, One for All has reached Singularity. It's only a matter of time before you start wielding the various powers of us Seven Wielders of One for All for yourself. Although, you already know how to fly. So you will easily get my Quirk under control under your various sets of skills." The woman said, before slamming her fist into her hand. "Sorry, my name is Shimura Nana. It's nice to meet you Midoriya Izuku! Tell Toshi that I said hi!" She said, before disappearing into the world that One for All created not too far away from Ddraig's Sacred Gear was placed. [Well... that happened.]


The next morning Izuku was seen moving throughout the park as he trained himself even harder than before. Hearing two of the previous Wielders of One for All tell him about threats coming closer to Kuoh and that he will be their target most likely. Not to mention that he was soon to be gaining the previous Wielder's powers, except for All Mights. He had heard from the man himself that he was Quirkless before gaining the power himself so that much was not really news to him. Although it would've been great to see what All Might's power was from birth. So here he was training to his hearts content when he heard movement nearby that caught his attention. Looking over to it, he soon found what the commotion was about, a group of people were surrounding a child who seemed to be having trouble traversing the area. Moving over to the child, Izuku found out that it was just Milicas who had just came to Kuoh in order to explore. And being the bigger sibling that he never had, he showed Milicas around Kuoh Town and watched the boy as he gained an extremely happy expression over his face. He was looking at everything in wonder as well as awe, he was actually recording everything since he thought that the boy was only here for one thing. To see his older aunt who loved within Kuoh Town. He showed Milicas around the town for a little while longer before showing the boy to her home within the town. 

The two entered the building as they knocked on her front door as Akeno opened the door to see Izuku holding Milicas on his shoulders. She let the two in as they both conversed about things for school and Milicas jumped off Izuku's shoulder's and ran to find Rias in the kitchen who was making a late breakfast. Sitting in the living room with Akeno, Izuku looked at the young woman as she smiled at him. 

"So, what brings you and Milicas here? I could've sworn that he was in the Underworld." Akeno questioned curiously. "I met him whilst I was training in Kuoh Park, he was surrounded by the populace as they were cooing over him. So I showed him around town and brought him here, believing that he wanted to see his aunt. I got to act like the older sibling again, it's been so long since I saw the Orphanage that I was raised in. It felt nice to be the older brother again." Izuku said, as Akeno smiled. "Well you are doing a good job at that, but I am sensing there is a problem at the moment?" Akeno asked, looking at Izuku closer. "Yeah, I got a weird dream last night about the previous bearers of the power gifted to me by All Might himself." Izuku said, as Akeno nodded. "Okay, what did they have to tell you?" Akeno asked, as Izuku looked into her eyes. "They told me that there is a new threat within the Khaos Brigade that could be a danger to all of us. And he told me to avoid all Evil Dragons. Do you happen to know where some of them are located?" Izuku asked, as Akeno thought about it. "I wouldn't happen to know where they are. It's been a very long time since the last Evil Dragon was seen, if they are still around, they are following a very certain one. I can't seem to remember their name though." Akeno said, as Izuku nodded. [The one you need to be extremely wary of Partner is Crom Crauch. He is the only Evil Dragon on par with me in my Prime level of power, and he is the only Heavenly Dragon Class Dragon you would face in your lifetime.] Ddraig said, as Izuku nodded.


Off in the sandy deserts of Egypt a black Dragon with golden tints to its armor and Hyde was seen moving about the skies. He roared out to the heavens as he sensed a high magical presence within the human world that he roamed. "Ddraig, and the long-lost Sacred Gear... Boosted Gear lives. I must test this new user of the gauntlet. If they impress me, I might just train them myself." A very gruff and tired voice growled out as he took even higher to the sky. As the Dragon continued to roar out to the heavens a Devil was staring at the Dragon with some slight fury. "I can't believe that my power still isn't enough to control that bastard, don't worry father, I will show you that I deserve to be your son. And after that, Vali Lucifer, you will be next." The man said, as he disappeared in a light blue sigil.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did when making this! I wanted to have a relatively short chapter to introduce who will be entering the story in order to become the antagonist for Izuku within the story. He will not be capable of defeating Crom Crauch as the Dragon is simply just too powerful, even when Izuku uses his full power, Balance Breaker. Remember, this is an Izuku just after the fight with Loki and he barely survived that battle. So him going up against a Heavenly Dragon Class Evil Dragon? That will be harder to survive as well as impress a Dragon of Crom Crauch's level. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and have a great weekend! See you later!

1482 Words!

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