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America happily hopped into school, with a mopping Aussie behind him. 

"School is horrible. I want to go home.." he complained to his brother without anyone else hearing him. 

"What!? School is great! you see your friends, you learn things, the only downside is not nice people" Of course, all butterflies and Rainbows America, he was always the same.

The two brothers made to America's class "Alright, you head to you class now, Aus. I'll see you soon."

And with he walked into his room, whilst Australia headed for his, which was upstairs.

Australia's POV:

I walked into my homeroom, and was greeted with my class, as per usual. Mexico was drawing on his desk, Mongolia was yelling at SK, China was being his usual self, quite but annoying, yet wholesome to some people. I just saw him as an obstacle. 

NK was also being himself. The ray of sunshine he was. Then their was the emo kids or the Oceania, they were the oldest in class, and were all my chemical romance shit.

Japan was annoying. She's loud, edgy, plots world domination 24/7 and has cat ears an 2 tails for some reason.

India and Pakistan were being usual besties, and Indonesia, Malaysia and The Philippines were just being average people. 

Our teacher had a habit of being late, so we had a lot of free time. 

I made my way to the piano, my favourite thing ever. I could marry that thing. Which why Bartolomeo Cristofori is the best man on this earth. 

I quietly begin playing my piano, everyone notices, but no one says anything, I do this every day. The whole school can hear me play, and They all think its the music teacher! No one in my class bothers to tell them its me, its not like their bothered to anyway.

As I peacefully play, I feel footsteps behind me.

"Kon'nichiwa Aus!" 

𝙃𝙚𝙧. The annoying Japanese girl who loves to disrupt my piano time with silly questions. I swear if she asks me about my history of convicts I-

"Can you play this for meeeeeee?!" She placed a music sheet on my piano. I read the title. It was the anthem of the Japanese empire, but sheet music, and it wasn't even piano!"

"Well for starters, Japan. This is a music sheet for a saxophone, not a piano second, 𝗻𝗼. 𝘄𝗮𝘆. 𝗶𝗻. 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹." I answer, giving her the paper. "Awww!" He sad as if he were disappointed. "Do you play saxophone?" The audacity! "Well, yes bu-" I was cut off. "YAY! Can you play this pleeeaaase!" "I already said, Japan. No way." Just before Japan can harass me anymore, a paper aeroplane hits my head.

"Ah!" Escapes my mouth as the paper impacts the back of my head. I turn around and pick it up. On the paper it read...

"Hey Piano boy! 

Tell your little 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭friend too shut up!"


Please play ʀᴜꜱʜ E! 

I wanna see if you can do it!


Just after I finish reading it, Japan snatches it out my hands. I would complain, but she does this daily, so I'm slightly unbothered.

"OH! YOU WANNA GO, STUPID KOREA!" She shouted, yelling as she ran to the other nation. 

This was a normal morning for me, I can't catch a break!

538 words (11:28)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now