Suspicions and violence

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Later that same day, they received a knock at the door. It was UN. 

"Hey, Jack! I was told that Liechtenstein was found passed out in her home, L. It was like, said the last thing she ate was like cup cakes or sum, was this true? Your like known for cup cakes, but she said that she doesn't remember who gave it to her..."

UK gasped dramatically.

"HOW HORRIBLE! Switzerland must be ever so worried!" He faked distress many times before, and he was one of the sweetest known people in Europe just after Russia!

"And I sadly have no idea what could of happened!  I hope she'd doing ok!" He kept a worried, innocent face. 

"Don't worry! Man! There's  no way you would have done it! You're like the nicest guy I know!" UN smiled brightly. "Cya!" He said walking of the porch. "Good bye!"


"And that's when I was like, 'No way dude, I'm not doing that! Chile can!' and then the actually licked the gum of the tree, and then Spain threw up everywhere!" Canada finished telling his 'interesting' story to his brother about his hang out with his friends.

"That's great Nada, but I don't give a fuck, and that was disgusting." He answered blankly. 


"Hey! You two!" An unfamiliar voice shouted to the brothers. 

He was tallish, taller than NZ, but a lil bit shorter the Canada. 

His skin was tanned, and his hair as almost reddish, he had a large brown coat on, a white shirt and black jeans. He approached them, but they didn't even react. "What are you doing in my (swamp) skate park?!" He yelled. 

"Since when!?!?!? Did you buy it or some shit!?" Canada yelled at the guy, who looked around 19-20. "Nah, but its written on the sign." He said with sass as the brothers looked over. And surely enough, in shit hand writing it said, 

'This park belongs to Allen Jones!!!' Canada giggled. "Pffft. aLlEn JoNeS." he taunted at the angry man, face red with anger. 

"Get the fuck out my park!" He yelled, swinging his baseball bat to hit Canada, but it was blocked by NZ's cricket bat, that he pulled from his side. The man pushed harder, but kiwi did not react.

"Aww, the dwarf protecting the ogre...! How sweet!"

"Hey! Whatya call my brother! He is NOT a dwarf!" Canada went to fly his hockey stick, but before he could, the man was on the concrete bleeding out at rapid speeds. 

"Don't. Call. My. brother. 𝘼𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜. Got it." NZ was pissed to say the least. Allen couldn't move from his spot. 

"Lets bonce, Nada." And the duo walked off...


446 words (1:29)👌

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now