Talking about it after it all

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(Was watching mein bruder play HALO when first writing this :))

A week or so had came and went. The question itched at the brothers for the whole time. They didn't want to bring it up with Australia without causing him any pain. But they new they needed answers sooner or later.

"Australia?" America poked his head into Australia's room with Canada behind him. Australia, who was setting up his music stand faced them. "What?" America sighed walking in with a nervous Canada behind him.

"We.. we were wondering. What did New Zealand do to you? Other then the ribbon thing." America said, approaching him quietly. Australia looked down, not facing his brothers.

Canada walked up over to the two, sort of shoving Rica out of the way to get to Australia. "You don't have to tell us. W-whatever your comfortable with." Canada said, slightly embarrassed.

Australia faced his older brothers nervously. "I'm not telling you..." He slowly sat up, heading toward his box fort and sitting inside. "Well now what!?" Canada complained, annoyed. "I know the entrance point but-"


Canada asked, his voice was cold and demanding. America shivered, pointing to the entrance and following Canada nervously. The two entered the box fort, and after brief surprise from Canada at how large the place was, they saw Australia. He was cuddled up near the back of the fort.

Canada and America crawled over to him, as America wrapped him into a warm hug, Canada followed suit. "Please, just tell us!"

So he let it out. All of the things New Zealand had said to him, what he threatened to do, the whole lot.

And by the end of that, Australia was trying to keep America from squeezing him to death while Canada sat there, shocked. The only thing going through his head was. 'Why did I trust New Zealand.'

Canada paid attention to his brothers again, now noticing that America had got his hands on Australia who was pushing him away annoyed. Canada suddenly leaned in, joining the group hug.

And Aussie would be lying if he wasn't content with the North Americans.

He was glad to have a happy ending, away from the troubles of the now past. And the world was now peaceful.

Or who knows, maybe this was the opposite of something. But there was only one world, his one. 


439 words (7:23)

Its been a journey. has it not? 

Thanks for all the support you've given me, and the Australian history book and the 'ask personality swap' books will be out at their respective dates. Thank you all so much for the laughs, and I'll see you on my next book ;)

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