My Aim Changed

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More no no shit kk?

New Zealand left his brother's room, hearing the light sniffles leaving through the door. He mentally sighed. Gosh was Australia pathetic....

He walked toward the kitchen, where America was serving out his creation.

"Hello, New Zealand. Did you fetch Aussie like I asked?"

"He's asleep." NZ lied through his teeth.

"Oh...well, in that case. Care for some pie?"

New Zealand refused politely and walked into the living room, seeing UK standing over the piano confused. 

"New Zealand, do you know why Australian is?" He looked at New Zealand worried. "Asleep." He answered, looking qt him. "Oh, alright." UK said. Before smiling at NZ, which confused him. "Thank you, Kiwi."

"Thank me for what?"

"For looking after the others when I can't."

New Zealand was shocked, but more then that, he felt something odd feeling he'd never felt. It was like being lifted in the air, and he suddenly had shock of excitement and energy. Was...this happiness?

UK smiled again and left the room. NZ was left stood there.

A sick smile found its way onto the Oceanic countries face. A sick, ugly and possessive smirk. 

'If UK wants more to be there for my siblings and keep them safe..... that is what I'll do. I'll make sure they won't leave us again"

He happily walked toward his younger brother's room. He was done with his pie now

Knock Knock

"Hello?" The familiar voice called out to him. He opened the door. 

"Oh, New Zealand. Changed your thoughts on pie? You can serv-" New Zealand suddenly walked toward America after closing the door. "America. The plan has changed. My aim has changed." America sighed. "First, you wanted to make your- our family weak. What do you want now?" NZ smiled. "I have experienced something. A new feeling. I will stick to the original plan. But I want them to stay. I want to protect them."

America stood, looking at the smaller. "Since whe-" NZ pulled his collar down, forcing the America to look into his eyes. Instead of their usual Yellow glow, he was greeted with dark ones. 

"I DO WHAT I PLEASE, AMERICAN." He shouted, screaming at the others face.'learn your please and fill your role.  You have no right to question me."

He stomped out of the room. Leaving America. 

"Are you ok?" A small, hoarse voice asked, as America stood t his feet once more. 

"I'm fine, CSA. Really." He smiled toward his ghostly brother. CSA nodded. "Just stay safe. If New Zealand isn't satisfied with what you do. Then he'll tell the others about me..."

America nodded. "I know. I wish the others had ghosts like you.... then they'd understand."

Australia hugged his knees, crying softly. Trying to comfort himself. 

"He's lying to you, New Holland...." A soft voice sighed. As he Hugged the island to no avail. He did not reply. Holding himself tighter. After 5 minutes, a sigh escaped Australia. "But...why would he lie, Eureka?" He looked at the Fascist ghost who sighed.  "People are weird, Aussie. I'm sure he'll apologise to you."

"Bullshit." Another voice rose. "That 'brother' of yours is an asshole. As well as the other stupid people in this house." 

"Are you trying to help him, or not. Aboriginal?" Eureka Stockade scoffed, looking at the native, who laughed. "He doesn't deserve sympathy, nor comfort. Maybe that Maori replacement is right?" He cackled, as the two began arguing. 

Australia slowly stood, walking out of the room, as the ghosts disappeared. Probably back to the after life.

He walked down the stairs, entering the kitchen and opened the fridge. 

"I can eat... Its easy." He took out an apple, holding it for a moment. Before holding it up to he mouth and hesitated bit into the fruit.

He chewed for a bit, slowly letting the juice flow down his throat. But sure enough he managed to swallow. 

Suddenly, the apple dropped out of his hand as he began to choke, cough and sputter. And soon, the apple bite shot out of his stomach and onto the floor. 

He stared at the piece with a restless mind and face.

New Zealand was right. He was to pathetic to even eat an apple piece. What a waste.

Leaving the apple on the floor, he walked up into his room, and fell asleep.

And that night. All 4 siblings slept, but the father, snuck into each of their rooms quietly, leaving the stones under each of their pillows. 

But New Zealand sat up, picking up the rock.

'Not surprised...' He thought. Picking up the thing and placing it on his bed side table. 'He's using these to wipe our memory. Why would UK want us to forgot about the original universe?'

Laying down again, New Zealand thought, Before he made up his mind.

He would protect his family for validation. 

He didn't actually value them. He valued being told good things. 

It was like a game for him, a game with a reward.

805 words (4:09)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now