More quotes that are incorrect (+Headcannons)

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So I made it to my destination but writing long chapters is hard cause my cousin nosey af ✨

(I'll writ a long one as soon as possible promise)

Poland is lactose intolerant

Germany is claustrophobic

The three superpowers besties fr

Iceland throws massive fruking parties that last till' like 3 am

Austria is obsessed with dogs, Germany is more of a cat person

Ukraine owns at least 6 yachts

Belarus is a fashion icon

France has a soft spot for brownies

China is mute, but can say a few words at a time

UK: Hey France! I was thinking of baking some brownies! What kind of brownies o you like?

France: Yes.


Canada: Ugly begins with U



Australia: I am depressed

Japan: Suddenly, pineapples!

Australia, surrounded by pineapples: This does not help


Poland: Its so sad G.E died of ligma

Germany: Who's G.E?

Poland: Ligma balls



Australia: You can't kill me! I'm already dead inside!


NZ: *hits his toe on a table* Ow! Fuck!

UK: Language!

NZ: Spanish!


Australia: You have 5 apples and someone takes 3, how many do you have?

America: 2!

Canada: 5!

Australia: Okay, Canada. You have 5 apples and someone takes 3 BY FORCE. How many apples do you have?

Canada: 5 and a corpse✨


Someone: Hippity hopity your cupcakes is now my property!

UK: But its opposite day poppet!

Someone: Oh fu- *UK fucking kills him*


Germany: Hey kids! Eat your school, get 8 hours of veggies, stay in drugs!... Don't do sleep


UK: Australia has 29 hotdogs, and gives 4 to-

NZ: Wait why does Australia have 29 hotdogs?

Australia, in muffed voice cause he eating hotdogs: Mind you business, kiwi!


Australia: I am in certified depressed territory


Russia: China, can you speak?

China: Your adopted

Russia: *becomes emo*


NZ: Why is life sometimes so difficult

America: Don't worry, brother! You know what they say, if all else fails, just try, try and try-

NZ: A gun?

America: No!-

NZ: What about 2 guns?

America: NO!-

NZ: 3 guns?



*Intense Kiwi-American screaming as more guns appear*

Should I do more?

316 words (1:40)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now