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"So, you don't like him? You don't want to help me?"

I saw Canada and New Zealand  fighting, Canada holding a dagger and attacking him. I tried to run over and ask what the hell was going on, but I couldn't move at all, and my body felt it was covered in a black goop or something. 

Suddenly, New Zealand knocked Canada to the ground, as I suddenly floated toward them, as New Zealand gave me the dagger, and pointed at Canada.

"He wants to harm us, Aussie. Stab him for me will you?" I wanted to object, but my body moved on its own. 


Australia's eyes shot open at the sound of the gunshot. Remembering what had happened last he reached for his hair,. Feeling no ribbon, he  jumped out of bed. 

Australia's POV:

But as I got out I remembered the dream. Why did New Zealand want me to hurt Canada? Then, I remembered the gunshot. WAS CANADA OK!?

I mean- Its not like I care!

I ran over to where I heard the sound, making my way into New Zealand's room. Inside, I found France, Canada and...New Zealand's body. 

Canada noticed me, as he ran over and hugged me tightly. "Australia! He's-" He hesitated, holding me tighter as I hugged him back. "I don't know what New Zealand did but... I know  he can't do it again." France sighed. "I hate to bud in but, New Zealand is still dead, and with this much damage he won't be up for years...if not he'll be replaced."

I look at France. "Who'll break the News to UK?" "I will, but why any of this happened is on the  shoulders of you two." Canada nods, when suddenly, America runs in with the UK by his side. I hid behind Canada, nervous to see their faces. 

"What  happened?!" UK shouted, running over to NZ as France hid the gun behind her back. America sighed. "Let's call WHO and UN, then we'll talk."

333 words (1:42) damn I'm pumping these out 0-0

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now