Phone call

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(this was finished at like 1 am so if its got shit grammar that its got shit grammar ok)

It was a little creepy, he had to admit. After all, sitting by your sleeping brother, just watching him with the door locked is a bit strange,  but you gotta cut the Canadian some slack, since he wanted to make sure New Zealand kept his distance until he could figure out his next move.

He knew he couldn't come up with a plan on his own; so who would he call?


"Ah, hello Canada! Why'd you call?" Canada's heard Rica's voice through the device as he looked over to Australia.

"Hey, Rica? I found something pretty disturbing and....I know its odd of me of all people to be worried but...."

America spoke up, worried. "What's wrong?" "New Zealand did something to Australia. I'm not sure what but I found him in the bathroom covered in blood and with a ribbon in his hair. He said something about NZ before...falling asleep? Also is that normal?"

America chuckled slightly. "He only does that when he feels safe." America sighed nervously. "That is concerning though, why would he do that to Australia?"

He was conflicted. 'How can I protect my family own family? I didn't think he'd take it this far...."

Canada, meanwhile, was blushing a bit from America's words. Australia...felt safe with him? That was.. good. He liked that Australia trusted him. "Where is he now?" America asked, leaving the supermarket. "Asleep in his bed.. I did my best to bandage him up. I called to ask about what to do now? I mean, one of our brothers clearly did something fucked up to the other one!" Canada tried his best not to wake up said brother while ranting. America sighed, surprisingly not getting angry with him for cursing, rather sighing.

"Maybe wait till both Dad and I get home, then we'll all discuss it altogether. " Canada could almost see his reassuring smile through the phone. "Kay, cya soon." Canada hung up, looking over to Australia, who lay peacefully. Now, seemingly calm. And Canada smiled slightly. Not the smirk he gave when New Zealand knocked Allen out. A genuine, happy smile.

Thinking of that memory, he thought about NZ. He had been odd recently... 'Wait! Didn't he only hit him for insulting me ? Does new Zealand only hate Australia or something?"

Suddenly, Canada heard New Zealand calling him from another room?

406 words (1:41)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now