Food Fight

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Japan's POV:

"At that concludes our lesson in Chemistry, your free to go to lunch." Mrs Marissa excused the class as she began erasing things of the whiteboards. 

"Sooo,  Aus!! Can I hang out with youuuu?  Your like, my only friend who doesn't hate me!!!" I ask, shaking my bested friend forever's shoulders. 

"I do hate you' he answered blankly. But I new he was only messing with me. "Awww! Don't be like thaaaaaaaaat! Lets go to lunch!!!" He groaned and made his way out the classroom, me following right behind him. 

We enter the lunch room and I drag him over to the lunch ladies, although know already he packs his own lunch. 

We make our way back to the tables, he usually likes to sit away from the 'time wasters' in or grade, but I like sitting near them , so I can involve them in my drama, to weaken them for my world domination!

So I force him in an area with lots of another kids in our year, and begin annoying Australia with my plans for world domination!

Out of no where, a kid yells; 


Pieces of random crap like cake, rice, corn, sandwiches, apples and all kinds of things fly around the room. Australia HATES messy things so he's cowering under the table, hoping no one sees him as their next victim. 

Everyone is throwing crap at each other. Friend betraying friend, sister betraying brother! All of a sudden, my frenemy rival, SK, throws a port of yogurt at me, then tries to chuck one under the table. Their trying to hit Australia! I could not let this happen!

I wasted no time throwing abandoned lunch trays at SK and his friends area and I quickly became feared among the room. I was doing everything I could to prevent my Beeeeeeeest friend getting hit

"ALL OF YOU STOP!!" a teacher screamed from the door. Everyone dropped the food they held. "Detention to everyone who walks out of this room with sticky hands! Anyone not involved, walk out of this room!" 

I watched as Aussie walked out, Followed by some other goody-two-shoe nations. I notice his brother America catching up to him. 

"All of you, go to Mr. Oscar for detention, now!"

So me and around 39 students left the room to go to Mr Oscar.

387 words (12:44)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now