Apple pie (TW)

40 2 15

Dark themes such as manipulation and eating disorder. Mentions of history as well

"Ok, are you ready?" Swap UK asked our America. The meeting had gone... bit odd in in the swap world, but honestly no body cares about meetings in the swap world. 99% percent of their meetings are just fights. physical ones. 

"I guess. This world is weird..." UK chuckled at him, as he instructed America into a circle made of diamonds. "Sit on your knees, and close your eyes." Ame listened and closed his eyes. 

After making sure the nation had closed eyes, swap opened a portal too the original world, seeing OG doing the same thing as him, with Swap America. 

Swap UK's POV:

"You ready?" I whispered to OG. He nodded, as we turned our attention to the America's, chanting the same old spell.

"Pam wyt ti'n darllen hwn?

"tha thu amadan"

"más féidir leat é seo a léamh maraigh ig"

With that, our portals closed.

I watched as his America fell through a hole that appeared underneath hm. And I watched as my America flew out. 

He glanced around for a sec, before he smiled widely, standing up and running over to me.

"DAD!" He happily wrapped his arms around me in a hug, which I returned. He pulled away quickly however. "I need to see the others." I sighed. "They aren't home yet. But for now, you should try relaxing." He smiled at me fondly and went up into the house. 

I walked into a room off to the side of the basement. Where I kept my equipment. 

I reached on top of a shelf, (just barely) and looked inside the box I grabbed.  Inside were 7 green rocks. 

I sighed, frowning and pulling out 4 rocks, placing them on a nearby table and putting the box back. 

I walked over to another shelf and grabbed a purple bottle and a bowl. I placed the rocks n the bowl and poured some of the liquid in. 

I then grabbed some yellow powder from the same shelf before pouring into onto the rocks. I slowly began covering each rock with the mix, till they are all completely covered. after they are coated, they harden and I set them aside.

I then hear voices up stairs. America is greeting Canada and NZ, It sounds like a wholesome interaction.


3rd person POV

"Yo, Rica! Your back!" Canada roared happily, ruffling his younger brother's hair as NZ watched, nodding at Canada's remark.

"I'm looking forward to seeing Tralia!" He said happily. "I really missed his snappy attitude." He chuckled.

After a few hours of settling down, the front door opened.

"I'm back." A shallow, tired voice roared. 

"AUSTRALIA!!" America ran over to his brother, hugging him tightly. Ignoring Australia's desperate wiggles.

"Let go you idiot!"

He let go, but wrapped an arm around the continent's shoulder. "I'll make apple pie to celebrate!' Letting go of Australia. America ran of into the kitchen. Leaving him alone.

Tralia held his hand low for a moment, lifting his arms to his stomach as he held his chest. Small growls admitted for a moment as saliva built up in his throat, but he pushed it away and walked into the living room. Staring at his piano briefly before turning away, walking up the stairs.

NZ watched from the hallway, quickly following his brother up stairs.

"Australia." He walked into his brothers room, seeing him standing in the middle of the room.


He walked up to him, as Australia turned to face him with an irritated expression. "What?!"

"Why aren't you eating?" Australia stepped back surprised. "H-huh?" 

"Admit it. At first you just didn't eat because you thought it was messy and a waste of time. You refused to eat and still refuse to eat anything that has to do with European food."

Australia stood still, a single tear falling from his eyes as his eyes widen. How did NZ know this? 

"Your being selfish, Aussie."

"Wh- what?" He stuttered.

"Making people worry for you, its stupid. They just want you to be happy but it seems that's not what you want, is it? They care about you, Aus. Your neglecting them, its pathetic."

Australia fell to his knees as he felt his world, his heart crumble. New Zealand stood over him. "You don't deserve to eat if your going to starve and waste your food. If your so selfish to make others worry for your useless body you just shouldn't eat. Its what they would want. They're sick of having to look after you. Look how thin you are, Its pitiful."

With that, the kiwi walked out as Australia crawled up into a ball. Holding his legs to his chest. 

Big brother was right.

He was being selfish.

786 words

If you've ever been told these things, just remember, none of it is true :)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now