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America's POV:

"You got sent home early because of a food fight?!" Canada shouted when we explained. He seemed excited to know the details. 

"We weren't directly involved, but everyone got sent home because of the mess." I answered, hoping they didn't have the wrong idea.

UK wouldn't be home for a while, he worked during school hours. 

"Aww! That's boring! You to should get more violent." Australia scoffed at that.

"My violin is much more important then that kind of thing." He answered, walking past our older brothers, bumping into them ever so silently. "Sheesh! What's up with him?" Canada  sarcastically remarked. 

"Perhaps tired. I should talk to him." Australia and I had always been close. I'd understand him best. "Alright, try not to have a trumpet thrown at your head." Canada remarked with sarcasm. 

I entered Aussie's room. It was pretty bland, only interesting things being a whole heap of classical instruments and music stands on the shelves and floors. Then, I noticed something; in the corner of the room. A pile of... boxes?

That's when it hit me. When we were colonies, he hated the open. Australia would shut himself in boxes, like a stray cat, and stay there, for apple knows how long.

Just as I expected, I noticed a shift in the massive pile. He was in there!

"Australia? Can I talk to you?" The shifting stopped for a minute, Before it picked up again, moving closer to me. Then, a small flap opened revealing his red and blue eyes. "there's a door on the other side..." He mumbled. I went over to where he signalled and looked for a small door. a sure enough, I found one.

I wriggled inside the box fought and looked around. It. was. huge. "H-how did you-" 

"I... don't know. When I made this. It was just- There was... It was endless." He answered. 

He was tucked in the back of the fought, arms wrapped around his legs. I crawled over to where he was and sat next to him.

"What's up?" I asked. With a sigh, he carried on. "I just feel undervalued is all." I understood how he felt.

"I know how that feels." I say pulling him into a hug. And just like back then, he falls asleep in my arms.

378 words (2:48)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now