Questions 5+ (feels warning)

40 1 33

(just want to say that almost a week has past since the NZ situation)

1.Australia: "What's your favourite food?"

Australia: Uh...pancakes

2.Canada: "Pancakes or waffles?"

Canada:........why must you do this to me

3.UK: "What do you like most about your family?"

*UK think for a moment, then smiles* I love how we always push through, no matter what happens! *seems like he got that from recent events...*

4.Canada: "What bends your mind every time you think about it?"

Canada: Oh! I have an answer to that! *he stops for a second* I...wonder why Australia trusted me so quickly those days ago? Eh. I'll never understand that guy anyway

5.Ghost NZ: "What's an unpopular opinion you have?"

On the chalkboard on the other side of the room is a chalkboard, where there reads text saying: "I like stepping on legos."

6.America: "What's something you wish you'd figured out sooner?"

America: What was going on with Australia. I just... I thought he'd tell me about something like that.

7.Australia: "Who are some of your heroes?"

UK: Australia's, uh, in his box pile out the moment so let me just.... *UK walks into Australia's room, opens the flap and hands Aussie the microphone* Aussie, you have a question!

Australia, fuzzy from being inside the boxes: M bruhders....

8.UK: "What incredibly strong opinion do you have that is completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things?"

UK: I. Hate. Green. Tea.

9.France: "What's the best thing you got from one of your parents?"

France: I got a diamond ear ring from my father... I miss him. (Yes, this is KoF we're talking about)

10.Russia "What are you interested in that most people haven't heard of?"

Russia: OMG! I love shopkins! I own over 100!

11.UK: "If you could lock someone up and throw away the key, would you and if so, who would that be?"

UK: I wouldn't...but if I had to I'd say Australia's cassowary, it gets out of hand sometimes....

12.Australia: "Where is the strangest place you have fallen asleep?"

Australia, inside the boxes: boxes...

13.Sweden: "Why you such a bitch?"

His glasses are still broken, he can't read the question.

14.Author: "What's one place you've travelled that you never want to go back to? And how was the trip to Perth from awhile back?"

Rose: Yay, I have questions!

Perth was a lot of fun! Especially, Rottnest island! And I don't want to go to Queensland. Nothing against the state, my uncle just sucks lol

asked by discord friend

388 words

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now