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(A/N: Listening to hamburger street writing this lol)

Hesitantly, Canada left Australia and went to New Zealand's room, where he found his brother sitting on a desk, writing something down. He looked up at Canada before standing up and walking past him to clos the door.

"Zea? Why'd you call me?" New Zealand looked up at him curtly then speaking. "I wish to show you something, that I feel I can trust you with."  NZ began walking toward his bulletin board that hang across from his bed, that was covered by a cloth. "The hell is this?" Canada asked, as NZ smirked lightly.

He pulled the cloth off, revealing the board.

In each corner was a picture of each member of the whole family, not including Canada or NZ, and no France, which confused Canada, as most of their brothers had just kind of excepted her presence at their house.

Their was the traditional red string attached to each photo, and they all lined to together to form some kind of plan. Canada gasped, reading long the lines of his father.

It seemed to read out, by the list of possibilities that hung somewhere in the middle that NZ planned to trick him into helping him with whatever this was.

America's was the same, but it included using violence, and both used blackmail. 

But none were as bad as what NZ had in plan for Australia. And looking at all this had Canada's blood boiling.  "What the fuck, New Zealand?" Canada looked at the latter shocked. 

"So, you don't like it? You don't want to help me?" New Zealand spoke, glaring at Canada. He stepped closer to Canada, and Canada stepped back, worried. The look in NZ's yes was crazed, as he pulled out...a dagger. 

"Kiwi!? What are you doing?!" New Zealand stepped closer, as he began speaking. "Sorry, Nada. I can't have anyone knowing." 

Canada held his hands in his face, preparing for attack when NZ went to slash.


With a large hole in his chest, New Zealand fell to the ground and dropped the dagger. Canada, looked down at his brother's dead body huffing, before looking up at the shooter....


357 words (1:09) :)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now