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"Australia? What are you doing?" Swap Ame asked as he looked over Australia's shoulder.

It had been a few hours and in our world, things had gone some what well. Swap Ame had gotten some what adjusted to our world, and it be wrong t say he didn't like it. 

Swap America's POV:

I love everything about this world! Everyone is so nice, like, Canada made me pancakes! Mine would ever!

He looked up at me.

"Painting!" Australia excitedly answered, like he'd been waiting years for some one to ask. 

"Wait, really? my Australia wouldn't even look at a paint brush!" He chuckled, going back to painting spots. 

I watch him for awhile, it was just interesting. I'm guessing it was a cultural themed painting. Its a shame my brother knows nothing about his culture, or just doesn't care for it. Either is my guess. I then here UK calling me.

"America! Could you come to the kitchen for a moment?" He sang from the north of the house. "Coming!" I returned and headed off for the kitchen.

"Hello UK!" I said as entered the room. He gave a happy sigh. "'Wish my Ame was polite like you." I just smiled.

"I think I've found a way to get you to your world, but it might take a couple hours..." My smiled widened, as much as this world was nice, I still missed my family.

UK's baking,

Canada getting into his shenanigans,

NZ being.. well, NZ,

And Australia's strange insults. Once he called me a 'retarded eggnog pie' because I tapped his shoulder.

"That's wonderful!" 



Still America's pov:

"Ok, what the fuck is this?" I sat on the right side of a small table. On the other side sat Swap NZ.

There was a lap in the centre of the tale aiming on the middle.. is this an interrogation?!

"So, America, what do you know of our world?" He asked looking at me like I was the worst country ever. Which I am not! That's Russia!

"When UK likes pink I guess, Australia s like my UK but more of a bitch... Canada picks fights.. your kinda edgy" I finish and NZ writes something down. So this is an interrogation!

"ARE YOU INTERROGATING ME!?" I yelled, I needed answers.    

"Pfft yeah, captain obvious." Canada comes outa no where leaning on the table. "And I don't start fights mind you!" I rolled my eyes as Canada seeming got bored and walked off. 

"Fuck this! I'm out!" I shouted and headed for the door. NZ staring at me. If looks could kill, UN would pass out. 

I leave the room, to hear, piano? 

I follow the music to the living room. Near the fireplace there was a piano, being played by non other then music motherfucker himself.

I'm much more of a rock person, but t was nice music, and the guy was actually smiling for once in his life.

"I'm not surprised your playing this piece of junk." I tried to annoy him, or distract him, but instead he doesn't even notice, and keep playing. 

"Its nice, isn't it?" I heard UK speak. 

"Ig." I say blankly.

We sat in silence for a moment. 

"I think we've- I mean I've found a way to bring back to your world." He smiled. 

"FUCK YEAH!" I yelled in excitement.

Okay, that got Australia distracted alright...

"You stupid banana dog egg! Quiet down!"

549 words (6:33)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now