Drunk frogs, drunk moose and drunk kiwis

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A few weeks after the food fight, France had taken the eldest siblings out for drinks, which probably meant them being drunk, which usually ended with....

"Holy Apple..." America stared at the trio on the porch. NZ was passed out with his head on the doormat, Canada was crying about... credit card debt? And France was giggling like a mad woman, whilst leaning on crying Canada. 

They had knocked on the door, but didn't notice when Ame opened it. "Hey dad!? Aus!? We got a problem here! UK ran over whist Australia slowly walked over. 

"Wow, a drunk frog, moose and kiwi! Just what I needed at 3am!" 

"Calm down, Australia!" Lets got them to their rooms, and France the couch." America leaned down and picked up Canada with absolute ease. Even though he was much taller then him. Canada didn't care, as he cried, "I OwE 2 point SEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!" With tears in his eyes as Ame carried him away.

UK somehow picked up France, over to the couch. 

And poor frail Australia dragged his sleepy older brother to his room, east of the house.

All night, the three of them could not sleep, for al they heard was the moans from the drunk family members. 

A couple hours later

Australia usually got up at 8am, no mater what, and that's exactly what he did. He headed into the kitchen to make his morning tea, and as he was doing so, the hang over moose came in, groaning and holding his head. 

"Morning cunt." He said harshly to his tired, stumbling brother.  "I'm hungryyyy" he grumbled. "So lick your coat! You smell like a-"

"Grilled cheese." 


"Grill. Me. A. Cheese."

"I'm not grilling you a cheese!"

" *Canadian sobbing* "


"Ah, for fucks sake..."

So the tired Australian began making a grilled cheese for his hungover brother, but when he finished it, Canada was snoring on the floor... 

"I don't get paid enough for this!" He complained with great annoyance. 

As he did so, UK walking in, NZ on his back, like a toddler. 

"Australia, my son, why are you holding a grilled cheese standing over you dead looking brother?" 

The word 'dead' made NZ spring up, before regret filled him instantly. As he groaned and fell asleep again. 

"He wanted one; and forced me too!" He huffed, crossing his arms. 

"Well, pick him up and take him to his room. Please don't wake Ame, he's grumpy in the mornings..." UK asked as kindly as possible. 

Australia placed the sandwich on the bench and after a few tries, picked up his brother, who for some reason decided was now his pillow, and Australia feel to the floor with Canada on his chest.

Ah, yes, a drunk Canada was hungry af, and would become clingy to whoever fed him (and would cry about random shit). NZ just slept after his 4th drink, and would sleep for at least 2 whole days. France would just find everything funny and would just become really energetic. Thankfully she was still asleep.

So now, we have a napping Canada, who is crushing his little brothers bones, a sleeping New Zealand, which was expected, an utterly confused UK holding his son on his back, and we don't know what Ame's doing, he's a heavy sleeper...

"What a start to a Saturday..."

"Hurry up and help me!"

549 words (5:29)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now