NATO Problems: final

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Contains FrUK stuff bc we stan

"Ok, America. Are you ready?" UK asked, looking at the opposite. Who shifted. 

"I'm not sure... But If this gets me home I'll try!" UK smiled. "I'm sure you've got this." He patted the American's back as he went to sit. America did what UK told him and walked over to the Baltics. The alternate version f his dad told him the Baltics were nice enough, so he thought he'd do ok. 

Swap! America's POV:

I nervously walked over to the Baltics, thanking my great memory in the process. 

"Hey guys...!" Oh, thank Alaska they didn't here the hesitance.

"Oh, hey United States." Lithuania happy greeted me. "Are you dudes...ready for the meeting?" Latvia looked at America confused. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, drawing the others attention. "Yep! Just sick!" I was sweating. Thankfully, Estonia came to my rescue. "I think I'm ready to start. Not sure about these goofs. He looked at the other two with a blank expression. 

"Alright! We can start." I said as calmly as I could manage. I walked up to the podium, looking down at UK. He nodded as if to signal I was doing good. I found it comforting, I slowly began.

"Hello, NATO members." I began drawing everyone's attention. "This week's meeting will be discussing the Baltic states safety in the Russo-Ukrainian war. With that out of the way, lets begin!" I happy roared as the nations clapped excitedly. At least I know I did it well. 

I walked back over to my seat next to England, as he nodded.

"Good job." I looked at the presentation point, where Lithuania had begun to speak.

It was exactly wat you'd expect really, all three mostly talked about their history and what Russia was doing. I feel kinda bad, this version of Russia doesn't sound nice.

"Thank you." Estonia concluded his speech as the room clapped again. UK nudged my shoulder. "You've got this."

I nodded, walking up to the podium. "Thank you all for coming today. And thank you Baltics for presenting today. Our next meeting shall be Monday next week. At 6 pm. Thank you all and please enjoy a refreshment at the table to the left. " The crowd clapped again as people got up to have a snack or go home.

Original! UK's POV: 

I let out a sigh of relief. He'd done it. I slowly got up as I walked over to him. "You did good!" I said happily as he nervous held his arm "You sure?" 

"Absolutely. Are you a fan of cak-"

"YES!" He answered, quick quickly. I noticed Germany was eyeing us before hand, but when Swap shouted that out it seems he got over his suspicion. Thank Wales...

'I know, I'm amazing!' The little voice whispers in my head. 'Fuck of Wales.' Another said back.


'All of you stfu.' 

This is why England Is my favourite.

"There's some on the table over there. Be careful." He thanked me and walked off happily. 

"Hey Angleterre!" 

To think today would end well. The frog is here. 


"Aw, aren't you happy to see me?" She teased, poking my shoulder. I face her. "Not really." She made a disappointed face. "Awww~ so mean!" I grunted "I'm going to punch you." She chuckled. "Nooo, you won't."

"UK?" America to the rescue! 

"Oh, bonjour America!" She greeted. Thankfully, this version of America isn't as oblivious as ours.

"Are we leaving soon, UK?" He said, knowing my situation. "Mhm, lets go." I tear away from a emo France and walked out. 

Today went well.

(A/N: I was gonna do like 3 parts of the NATO meeting originally but then my brain was like; 'no sweetie ur doing it now' so yeah)

611 words (1:35)

English family but personality swapped REWRITE MOTHERFORKERSWhere stories live. Discover now