Part 2, 14. Vigilante Shit

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     Todd, I guess I have a thing for guys that betray me, because I am really starting to miss you for some reason. Not our romantic relationship, but our platonic one afterwards. After we broke up because of your lying and taking my laptop, the thing that made us bond and became friends was the fact that we were both mad at Brody. Although I want to tell you that when we were "friends" I only used you to get back at Brody, you never found out it was me who betrayed you later on. You see, you don't screw me over, ever, I always slither my way out of every situation whether I'm in the wrong or someone else is. It only takes some skill, cunning, and a little karma to tear you apart wherever you are. I don't care if you're reformed, or if you're still a brat, I'll always get you back eventually. Trust me, you don't want me to get on my vigilante shit again.

     Do you still wonder how the drill instructor knew that you and David stole luggage from the storage room? How did I know you knew the code? How I finally got my revenge on you, David AND Roy all at the same time... You were all so incompetent as to how you planned to break into that room on that midnight in May. You made me flicker between fear and a vision of forever, I didn't know you would hurt me so I made sure you wouldn't know either. I was still mad at Roy for what he did, and I was mad at David for threatening to side with you when you lied about me "assaulting" you. You both know what you did and you knew that I would do anything to get back at Roy for his infidelity, David for trying to steal from me and my roommate, and you, well, you know why. I've only repeated myself so many times before It feels like I'm preaching to a choir, although our friendship was good, I want you to know that deep down it meant nothing to me. Don't blame me, don't act like love didn't make me crazy, and you were one of my loves, and don't blame me because you make me do vigilante shit. That sounds like a "you" problem.

     I always loved how all of you shattered my soul little by little just because of who I was. Cat-fishing me because of my sexuality all the time, just because you dudes are insecure about yourselves doesn't mean you need to take it out on me. The way you would make fun of me when I was in love, when I thought I had a chance with the people of my dreams. It wasn't even for a valid reason either, you were just bored, that's just some straight up villain shit. I just love the way that I delivered revenge to almost all of you. The ones who hurt me most got what they deserved. So yes, when Roy told me he gave you the code to the storage room, I took the opportunity to tell the drill instructor. So, that's what I did to get back to you. How are you now that I'm gone? I certainly wish the best for you guys although it doesn't seem like it. I got my revenge. I don't need to hold any grudges. And I hope that you still think about me; the good, bad and the ugly. I hope you think about what you did to me, and what I did to you, and about the way you treat everyone like a piece of wood, how you throw us in the fire that is your life because we were useful to you but we burn and burn and burn... Yes, you better think about everything you've pulled and what it becomes, and I hope you know I'm still scheming up more vigilante shit for the next person who crosses me, on midnights like this.

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