Chp.1 Walker Ambush

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It was another day, another time of surviving the undead, so far things haven't change at all, and were still the same, walkers all over, woods, roads, anywhere. But luckily, three survivors manage to survive the undead by working together, Clementine,(YN), and AJ. Clem and (YN) both were now a couple after leaving Richmond. Once they left, they head over to the Ranch where AJ was being taken care of, only to find it destroyed and people in there dead. They managed to save him quickly and to take a car with them, and from there, they've raised AJ like their own little brother, and to teach him how to survive as well.
Years later, AJ has grown, 8 years old, as well as Clem and (YN), who've aged and have matured as well, Clem is 19 and (YN) 20. One day, a car was seen to be driving down the road, and there we see (YN) driving it, Clementine on the Passenger seat and AJ at the back. Both (YN) and Clem looked at each other and gently smiled, and to notice AJ holding onto his gun, playing with.

Clementine: Hey, what you doing there goofball?

AJ: ..Pretending we got bullets.

(YN): Well, can you stop it please? It's getting a bit annoying.

Clementine: And on my nerves.

AJ: Sorry....but also, I don't like goofball. I'm getting old for that.

Clementine: Heh, Well, someone's all grown up now.

AJ: Yup. Can I drive?

(YN): Sorry bud, but you're not that old enough, once you're grown more and older, then I'll let you drive.

AJ: Okay....

AJ stomach began to growl...

AJ: Clem, (YN), I'm hungry.

The two look at each other worried for AJ, Clem checks around and to find half bag of chips, a magazine and AJ's toy...she hands AJ the magazine.

Clementine: Here, practice your reading.

AJ: But I don't wanna.

(YN): It'll take your mind off about food.


(YN): Okay, never mind, it'll just make you more hungrier. Here, some chips.

AJ: Oh! Thank you....but, what about you two?

Clementine: Go for it. Don't worry, we'll find something else soon.

(YN): Like we always do...hopefully.

AJ: ..I believe you both.

Later, they then spot a little area, where to find a shed house, and two big containers too. They pulled up and stop and look at the area...

AJ: We're gonna do it?

Clementine: Yea, we are.

(YN): Looks clear. Let's go.

The three got off the car and to grab their stuff with them for any Walker encounters. Once they're ready already, (YN) notice a sign and reads it...

"Friendly? Ring the bell."

AJ: What does it mean?

Clementine: Which means the people here, ask the questions first.

(YN): And they shoot First too.

AJ: Oh.

(YN): But, not just that...

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