Chp.17 Interrogating Abel

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The next day, everyone were upset about loosing the fight against Lilly and her people, but they won't give up, as they will find Aasim Omar and Mitch and get them back for good. They started cleaning up the mess at the school, putting a bunch of dead walkers into one pile, and some dead raiders that they kill on another. Clementine walks around and checking in everyone, and to notice Willy sad, sitting on the stairs, as he misses Mitch.

Willy: ..Mitch looked after me when I was little and started here. He may be a duck sometimes, but he was always so nice to me, he was like a big brother to me. And now...they took him, Aasim, and Omar too..!

Clementine: I know Willy, we're saddened about our friends being taken too, but don't give up. We need to pull ourselves together, even you. Mitch would want you to not give up, right?

Willy: Y-Yea. Yea! Okay, I can't give up...Mitch and the others are counting on us now.

Clementine: Good.

Violet and Louis shows up...

Louis: Hey, AJ's waiting for you down the basement with Rosie tied up, also have Abel tied up too. Bastards still alive, but out cold.

Clementine: Thanks.

Violet then appears...

Clementine: Hey's Tenn?

Violet: ...Tenn felt awful about him almsot getting Mitch killed. And wanted to apologize to you for being distracted by Lilly.

Clementine: Hey no worries, I forgive him. Lilly was getting into his head.

Violet: I'll let him know, thanks.

Clementine: Sure. Anyways, I'll go get (YN)  to go talk with Abel.

Ruby: Uh...Are you..sure??

Clementine: Yea, why??

Ruby: Well...when I patched him up from the hit he got last night...he didn't look like himself. He looked...very aggrieved, not towards me of course.

Louis: Yea, about...last night. The way he almost beat Abel up near to death? That shit was cold, and, I get he did it cause he shot AJ, but more than just a punch? Jesus...

Violet: mentioned a name: "Carver?" Who is he? You never mentioned us about this "Carver".

Ruby: Is it someone that's part of the raiders too?

Clementine: No, it's not like that...I guess I should tell you all: ....Back then, before AJ was born, me and (YN) were with a group, wasn't a good nor a bad one, it was decent, alongside with a friend of ours that we knew when we were with Lee too. The group knew someone who they use to work with, and escaped from him. His name was Carver. He was evil, cold heart, and didn't even hesitate to kill anyone, and I mean anyone.

Violet: Jesus.

Clementine: AJ's mom and him were a thing, but she left him for AJ's dad, and they were AJ's official parents. At first they would've escaped from him for good, but were wrong. He actually found them, me and (YN) too and our friend. Carver later took his to his camp, which was jail as we see it, and there...he brutally beaten our friend near to death, leaving him almost blind, killed on of his people for not doing their work right, manipulated us....and he killed AJ's father.

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