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As we left off, Clem (YN) AJ and Louis head out at the gate with Marlon as he needed their help to take down some walkers approaching...

Marlon: Rosie! Damn it, where the hell is she? ..Louis, you gave their weapons back?

Louis: Yea, well...

Marlon: Oh, right, your bat, sorry (YN), was broke in pieces during that accident.

(YN): It's alright, I'll find another soon.

Marlon: are you gonna help taking down the walkers?

(YN): With my hands of course.

Marlon: Uhh...

Clementine: Don't worry, I've seen him deal with walkers like that, trust me.

Marlon: ...Okay, I'll trust you, but the biting part won't be my problem, got it?

(YN): Crystal.

Marlon: Okay. Anyways, we're gonna need you two in use. Got a hunting party out there trying to get back inside. Need help clearing them out. Seems like a few more than the couple of days.

The blonde girl spoke...

???: It's almost like something drew their attention. Something like, I don't know, a car crash.

Marlon: Vi.

???: What? Just saying, has to be some explanation.

Clementine: Look, we didn't knew something like that would've happen.

(YN): Yea, so sorry if we caused you guys problems, but that's why we're helping, right?

???: ....

Louis: Ahem. "Hello (YN), Clementine, I'm Violet. Nice to meet you two."

Violet: Yea, what he said.

Willy: Alright boys and girls! They're starting to fill in!

Violet: Come on.

Marlon: Careful you two, especially you (YN).

Violet and Marlon exit the gate and rush over to deal with the walkers...

Louis: Don't mind Violet. She Uh...grows on y'all. I promise.

Clementine: Sure.

(YN): Yea. Also, nice weapon.

Louis: Why thanks. It's a chair leg, pin some nails too. I call it "Chairles". Let's go.

Louis goes over with Vi and Marlon...

(YN): "Chairles"?? Corny-Ass name.

Clementine: Oh look who's talking, as if you didn't name your bat "Neagan".

(YN): Aw what? Come on, it sounded cool. Right AJ?

AJ: It did.

(YN): See, even the kiddo likes it.

Clementine: *giggles* Dummy. Okay, let's go with them.

(YN): Right behind you.

AJ: Wait, can I come? I Wanna help too.

Clementine: Sorry but no. We need you inside and watch our back. Call out from inside if you se any, cool?

AJ: Okay.

(YN): Good, see you bud.

Both Clem and (YN) walk over to the others as they see them taking down the walkers...

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now