Chp.8 The Vote

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The next the dorm, Clementine was waking up, and yet wouldn't forget what happen last she woke up, AJ notices her awake and to approach to her with a cup of coffee...

AJ: Hey. I made you coffee. It was in the kitchen, Tenn said that I could have some for us.

Clementine: Thank you. Heh, I'm surprised you know how to make it. We haven't had coffee in a long time.

AJ: I know....Clem...Last night...about what happen with Marlon, what Louis called I a murderer?

Clementine: ....

AJ: I don't get it, we were supposed to kill bad stuff, and Marlon was bad for what he did to Tenn's sisters, he killed Brody...and he shot (YN)....did I do it wrong?

Clementine: It's hard to explain this kiddo, but...Louis didn't mean it. He was just scared and really hurt.

AJ: But, I didn't hurt him.

Clementine: No, I meant he's sad and should have never said that.

AJ: But..if I am a murderer, I should know. Right? I can try not to be one...I don't know.

Clementine: *sighs* This is going to be hard to hear AJ, and I really hate to say it, but Louis was right. Look..sometimes people do bad things, like Marlon did. But when he wasn't a threat anymore, and your shot him still. When you kill someone who isn't no longer a threat, it's a murderer.

AJ: ...Even if they were bad?

Clementine: Even then, it was wrong.

AJ: So..what are we going to do? If I'm a I going to die too?

Clementine: What?! N-No, why would you say that??

AJ: I mean, if I am one, that makes me a monster too, no? And I know what happens to monsters...nothing good.

Clementine: I'm not gonna let you nothing bad happen to you ever. (YN) as well.

AJ: Promise?

Clementine: Cross my heart.

AJ: Okay...but, I just don't want them to hate me, what can I do?

Clementine: We're gonna fix this, come sit with me. I'm gonna help you atone.

AJ sits next with Clem...

AJ: Atone??

Clementine: It means make up for something you did wrong. We'll make it alright with the others.

AJ: ....

Clementine: What's wrong??

AJ: ...You and (YN) killed people too, right? Like, you both killed your friend Lee, right?

Clementine: What?

AJ: You and (YN) said he was handcuffed, and wasn't a threat too. So...that means you murdered him??

Clementine: ...That's different AJ. We killed him cause we loved him, we didn't wanted him to suffer. We didn't wanted him to turn into a, the only way to not let him to end him....and He deserved better.

AJ: Oh...

AJ can see Clem face of how bad she feels when mentioning he comforts him...

AJ: Clem. I love you, and (YN)...both of you.

Clementine: We love you back as well kiddo.

AJ: ...Is (YN) gonna be okay?

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now