Final Chapter

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Years have passed now, still the undead continues to roam around the world, so consider it as a normal thing already and a normal day, more like another Monday. At the school, it got bit of an upgrade, more strong walls, defenses and more warning label signs too.
One evening, night was about to hit soon as the sun was still dawn. In the woods, we see two walkers standing around, and there, we see a little girl, who happens to have light skin, short ponytail and happens to be wearing Clem's old hat of course...this girl creeps up to the walkers behind, wielding a knife out, and to take them down by kicking down their knees and stabbing through their heads, and the other stomping its head into pieces when it's lay on the ground.

???: Got em!

AJ: Lucille.

There, we see AJ, he's now grown up, teenager, 15 years old now.

AJ: How it go?

Lucille: Good, look, I took these monsters down.

AJ: That's good. Seems like you're already getting good at this.

Lucille: Yup. AJ, I'm hungry.

AJ: Dont worry, (YN) and Clem.

(YN): Hey you two.

Clementine: Hope we didn't took long.

There, we see both Clem and (YN), who they happen to be grown up as well, (YN) being 27 years old, and Clem 26.

AJ: Hey guys.

Lucille: Mom! Dad!

And yes obviously as you can tell, this little girl, Lucille, happens to be (YN) and Clementine's daughter, 7 years old. Lucille rushes over and hugs them.

Clementine: Hey there sweetie.

(YN): How's the hunting going with AJ?

Lucille: Cool! I even manage to kill two walkers on my own, and no, no bite marks. All clean.

(YN): That's good <Hija>. Soon you will grow up to be strong like your old man here.

Clementine: And faster like your mother.

Lucille: I will! And also be smart like AJ too!

AJ: Hehe, sure you will Lucille. Anyways guys, everyone's waiting for y'all.

(YN): Sure, come on then.

Clementine: Let's go hon, dinner will be be ready soon.

Lucille: Yay!

The four walked together as they head back to the school. Once they arrive, they open the door and there we see all of their friends too, as they also have grown too.

Ruby: Hey y'all!

Louis: Welcome back, hope y'all captured enough hares for dinner tomorrow

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