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As we left off, Lilly and her people made the first move as her sniper shot one of the kids leg, Omar. (YN) and the others run and hide for cover as he drags Omar to safety. Ruby quickly will do her best to patch him up fast as (YN) goes in to get his weapon. Clementine took cover as Lilly and the raiders barge in the gates, bringing herself in, her people with weapons, horses, and a big crate to take them with her. They notice the defenses they set up, threat signs and walkers heads on sticks...

Raider #1: The fuck is all this?

Raider #2: Just focus, they're just trying to scare us.

Abel: Guess they're taking this seriously.

Lilly: Spread out.

Abel and the raiders spread out and look for the teenagers, Louis and them were hiding away from them and not be seen, which gives Clem the chance to show herself...

Clementine: Lilly!

She holds and aims her bow at Lilly as everyone notice...

Clementine: Move, and I will shoot!

Abel: You won't get the chance.

Lilly: Hold your fire...Clem, where's our new recruits?

Clementine: They're not yours!

Lilly: the yard.

Abel and some of the raiders search for the others...

Lilly: If Clementine moves, shoot her.

Raider #4: Loud and clear.

Clementine: ...

Lilly: It won't matter, we'll find them Clementine. We'll take them, alongside with you, that little boy, and (Y-

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from the right side of the graveyard, out from the dark...(YN) appears, holding his barbed wire bat, and seem to be grinning and notices the raiders here. They didn't expect him to be less worried towards them, would seem he's not even scared at all towards them

(YN): Pissing your pants yet?

Clem was relief (YN) appeared, he walks over to her as one of the raiders was gonna shoot him, until Lilly stops them from doing so.

Lilly: (YN).

(YN): Oh wow.! Is that...well I'll be damn! Lilly. Haha, hey! How you've been? My god it's been so long, and seems like you quite changed a bit, but not really, you still have that bitchy face of yours.

Lilly: Tch.

(YN): And Also, a friend and I made a flag made by us, look up.

(YN) points up, as Lilly was so bothered to get it over with, she looks up to the flag, and having her face there, with drawn penises around her face and one in her mouth.

Lilly: Fuck you.

(YN): And good to see you too.

Clementine: Nice one.

(YN): Thank you.

Lilly: Enough of this bullshit! Both of you tell me where are our recruits??

(YN): Oh, like hell you think we tell you, you aren't taking anyone, never. But, if you want soldiers, take us.

Clementine: Yea, take us, and leave everyone else alone.

Lilly: So you two will come with us and leave the others alone?

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now