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It was midnight still, few hours before morning, and enough time to sneak into the boat. Clem (YN) AJ and the rest walked through the groups and to arrive near bushes. And all the need is wait for James and the her office walkers get brings. (YN) drags one dead Walker with them...

Ruby: Oh gosh, I can't believe we're gonna do this.

(YN): It's the only way for us to blend with the walkers by covering themselves. Now we gotta wait for-

AJ: He's here.

Ruby: Good lord.!

They all notice James here with his mask on and seem to be very awkward and standing very stiff...

James: Um..Hi.

Clementine: Guys, this is James.

AJ: He's our friend.

Tenn: He's...

Violet: Um...

Louis: No hard feelings, but what's up with the mask? It looks-

Willy: So.Cool! How did you get the skin like that?

James: Oh. I-I Uh-

Willy: Can I try it on? Please, it's so cool-

Clementine: Willy come on, give him space.

(YN): Nows not the time.

Willy: Oh right. Sorry, I..didn't mean to be weird or anything.

James: It's okay.

Willy: And sorry about shooting you one time back at the gate, your mask looked so real.

Violet: Yeah, but Anyways...Hey there, James. I'm Violet. Sorry about Willy.

Louis: Nice to meet you, names Louis.

Ruby: Ruby.

Tenn: Tennessee, or "Tenn" in short.

James: Nice, to meet you all...Clem?(Yn)? Could I speak to the two of you for a moment?

Clementine: Sure.

(YN): Hold tight guys.

Violet: And, Tenn...there's something I want to tell you.

Clementine and (YN) talked with James...

James: Walkers, they will be here in a while. You can join them once they pass through trees. The noise will draw them towards the boat and water.

Clementine: That's good.

(YN): Give is the chance to sneak inside.

James: ...Your friends are different, open minded, accepting, like y'all. That's not how usually my first impressions go. Sorry if I'm rambling, it's just...being welcomed, it's strange.

(YN): ...Maybe it's cause of the mask-

Clem punches (YN).

(YN): Ow.

Clementine: Forgive (YN), he didn't mean that. But...they could be your friends too. I know you didn't wanted to come to the school before, but now that you get to know them and met them...

James: I've never lived with other people in a long time though....but it does sound nice...let me think about it. But...that's not what I wanted to talk about.

He takes off his mask, and to pull out picture and shows them. The picture in it, has James, and another boy he's with, smiling, and being close together, hugging.

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now