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2 weeks have passed now after saving everyone and bringing them back to their home in one peace, but also, it has been two weeks ever since the very incident that happen: (YN) being bitten, to think he would've turned into a walker and AJ and Clementine not knowing what to do about it...but of course there was one unexpected way from him to turn into one. AJ chopped off (YN)'s whole hand off as (YN) lost tons of blood and lost unconscious and was taken back to the school with the help of Violet and Louis and everyone else. With (YN)'s hand chopped off, he was unconscious through those weeks, and surprisingly...the infection suddenly went away somehow, but can't be sure yet as he hasn't woken up.
One day, at the fishing area, Clem and AJ were both fishing for food later on, and also to have Rosie alongside with them as she helps them catch fishes too and putting them in the bucket.

Rosie: *Bark*

Clementine: Good girl Rosie.

AJ: She sure is a good girl.

Clementine: Yea, I really doubt of her in the beginning, looks like she isn't all bad. Just needed her to gain some trust on me. Anyways, guess that's all we can get. Here, I'll put the spears away.

AJ: Okay.

Clementine takes the spears with her and to head over to the shed Janice to put them away. Once she came out, she spots something on the's her hat.

AJ: Clem, your hat.

Clementine: Help me catch it.

Clem jogs to the river to reach her hat, but wasn't far enough to grab it, her hat floats under the little bridge as AJ waits for it to come out, and yet he didn't reach enough to grab it...

AJ: Dang it.

But luckily enough, Rosie helps too as she jumps on the river and to retrieve Clem's hat.

AJ: Yes!

Clementine: Good girl Rosie.

Rosie: *Barks*

Clementine: Never imagine I get it back, thought I lost it for good.

AJ: But It came back to you.

Clementine: Heh, it sure did.

Ruby: Hey Y'all.

Ruby appeared and to pet Rosie...

Ruby: Hey there girl.

Clementine: Hey Ruby.

AJ: Hey.

Ruby: Just came to check on y'all since it's getting pretty late. Dinners soon too.

Clementine: Nice, we're all done here anyways.

AJ: Yup, catches lots of fish.

Ruby: That's great, and I see you got your hat Clem.

Clementine: Yup, it found me.

Ruby: That's good.

AJ: ...Ruby.

Ruby: Yes hon?

AJ: ....Hows (YN)?

Clementine: he awake??

Ruby: ....*sighs* Wish I could've told you the good news, but no, not yet. Still sleeping. You know...When you told AJ chopped off his hand, we're surprised the infection just suddenly went away when we brought him back...not usually how it works, but still, not sure if he's still infected, can't tell much.

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