Chp.13 The Dream

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It was late dark, everyone were asleep. And I mean everyone...Clementine and (YN) too. While the two were deep asleep...they suddenly heard a little baby crying out startled them and woke them up from their sleep.

Clementine: (YN)?! hear that?!

(YN): Y-Yea...almost like...a baby cried??

The two look over to check on AJ...and notices he's gone.

Clementine: AJ??

(YN): Where are you buddy??

They got off from their beds and to go look for AJ. They again heard a baby crying, only this time it was far away and can hear it echoing...they exited the room, and out of nowhere, a black horse appears and was walking down the hallway, the light from the moon began to turn red everywhere, and yet to again hear the baby cry again and again...

Clementine: Wh-What's happening?!

(YN): I don't know, but..that that, AJ??!

They saw the horse turn, and to again hear the baby crying more louder, and this time, there were gunshots. They ran and gave a turn to where the horse walked...and only to find the exit of the door being far, far away at some point, and can hear Baby AJ crying again while gunshots were heard behind the door...and there, they see the black horse layer there, as if it were to die already. The two look down the door where they can hear baby AJ's crying coming there, the two wasted no time and started rushing over to the door to get baby AJ...
As they reach to the door, they can hear his crying louder and closer...

Clementine: Hang on AJ!

(YN): We're coming bud!

As they open the door, a huge red flashlight brights them, and to see the horrifying moments that was taking place on wherever they seem to be seeing and hearing more gunshots and more of AJ crying louder and screaming...
After that, we then see Clementine waking up with a panic attack, and (YN) as well at the same time, but to fall off the bed and panicking too. Clem gets off and checks on him...

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN): I-I'm alright, I'm alright. Oh..fuck..where's AJ?!

AJ: Up here.

The two looked up and see AJ sitting on top of the bunker bed, and seem like he was awake suddenly...

AJ: You two were having a nightmare, again. Same ones you both always have all the time. And...what scares me more is you both somehow be having the exact same dream...about what happen at the Ranch.

Clementine: We'll be fine AJ.

(YN): Y-Yea, don't worry bud..

Then, they notice him holding a sharp knife with him...

(YN): Hey kiddo..what, where did you get that?

Clementine: Did someone gave it to you..??

AJ: ...

Clementine: ..Did you had a bad dream too?

(YN): You also been having them a lot lately as well bud.

AJ: ...No,I just feel safer like this. Not sleeping. I wanna stay up forever, I'll be good.

Clementine: I..don't think that's a good idea AJ.

(YN): Yea, and you didn't answer my question, where did you get that knife?

AJ: ...I made it.

(YN): Since??

AJ: I don't know..when y'all were busy.

Clementine: ..Must've taken days to make it.

AJ: Yea...I made it because I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Clementine: ...We can talk about this another time. You need to sleep.

(YN): Yeah, Here let me get you down there for bed.

AJ: No.

(YN): ...

Clementine: ...

AJ: You both don't have to be checking on me. Like y'all said, be tough. So I am. You say, be strong and I will. All the time.

Clementine: Well, of course you are. You're the toughest boy we know and in the whole world.

AJ: Heh, but Im not as tough as (YN).

(YN): Heh, well no one is tougher than me I say that.

Clementine: Oh? Think again~

(YN): Well, sometimes you of course.

Clementine: *giggling*

(YN): *chuckling*

AJ: Hehe.

They were having a little moment with each other for a bit. AJ then climbs down from the bunker...

AJ: Im sorry you two had to do the hard work. To..aaatone me. So, I'm gonna do more help, so you won't do everything yourselves.

(YN): Where You're going?

AJ: To patrol, patrol outside and keep and eye for monsters, bad guys, people. Whatever nightmares you two have.

(YN): ...Or, AJ, how about you stay here?

Clementine: Yea, stay here with us, and we both will be wide awake the whole day and time to keep a lookout.

AJ: Heh, you can't do that. You don't have magic.

(YN): Or maybe we do? Hey, you may not know, like they say, a magician never reveals its secrets.

Clementine: Yup, that's right.

AJ: Haha, no you don't...but, okay.

Clem and (YN), as always they can work together to convince AJ whether what to do or not to do, what is right, what is not right, what is good, what is bad. So, AJ goes to his bed...but to somehow feel a bit uncomfortable somehow??

Clementine: What is it??

AJ: Can I...sleep with you both, for tonight? Like, when I was little?

Clementine: Aww, Of course goofball.

(YN): Hop on kid.

AJ: Cool...but, just saying, I'm not scared.

Clementines Makes total sense for us.

AJ goes lays down with Clem and (YN) in the middle, as (YN) sleeps on the right and Clem on the left, AJ felt more safer now with (YN) and Clem, and was happy to be with them close. Clem and (YN) wrap their arms around AJ, and to reach towards each others hands and hold onto, and to go back to sleep.


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