Chp.26 Minnie's Last Lullaby

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With James help by helping Clem and them make a run for out of the tunnel and him staying behind to take down the walkers. They all made it out from the tunnel and to look around the forest...

Clementine: Coast is clear.

(YN): If the shore is that way...then the school must be that way. Let's go.

As they walk through the woods and to head towards the way to the school...

AJ: I hope everyone made it back.

Tenn: I hope so too. Now that we're out of the danger, we can all head back home safe...I just wish I get to see Minnie. Clem, (YN), did you saw her?

Clementine: O-Oh, uh...yeah, we did. And...we told her what you wanted us to tell her...forgiving her.

Tenn: And? You think she made it out too?

(YN): ...*sighs* Tenn, Minnie-

Violet: Psst! Guys.

They all turn and to spot Violet, Tenn was happy to see her, so does AJ as the Teo ran over and hug her...

Violet: Thank god y'all made it out alive. I was so worried, I had to come and find you guys.

Clementine: Heh, well you already did.

(YN): Good to see you Vi, what about the rest?

Violet: They're all safe too. All of them. I only came to find you guys, and now that I did, we can now finally head back home in peace. I know the way to get there faster. An old bridge near here. If we cross it, we won't be that far.

(YN): Sounds good. Let's go.

Violet leads them over to the bridge to head to the school faster...
Some time pass, they all made it to the bridge. They notice the bridge is blocked off by a pick up truck, but no worries, they can climb over it, just gotta be careful still.

Clementine: Okay, don't worry. Take your time, and keep moving forward.

They all walked on the bridge, and to then jump over the truck. Once they did and to see the end of the bridge has a huge gap, but can jump over to the ground...

(YN): Okay, now this is where we have to be careful.

AJ: It's so far down there.

Tenn: Really far.

Violet: Don't worry. We can make that jump over. Not that far.

Clementine: Yea, we can make. But like (YN), we just need to be careful and-

???: 🎵 Never mind the darkness....Never mind the storm.🎵

Suddenly, they heard singing from behind, far from the woods...and the singing lyrics were even familiar, even the singing voice too...they all turn to see who it was...

???: 🎵Never mind the blood red moon. The night will be over...soon🎵

They then spot the person singing that was Minnie of course, and yet holding her axe, the bite mark she has on her face...and yet she's mere seconds away off being a Walker too.

Tenn: M-Minnie?!

They all also notice Minnie leading a herd of walkers too towards them...

Minnie: I did it..! I finally found you...oh Tenn, my sweet little brother, how much I miss you. Come, come with me.

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