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The next day, it was still morning, 11am, everyone was awake and ready to go hunting for food out the woods. But before they do, they will need some help by the new people, Clem, (YN) and AJ. The three head to the other building, walking upstairs to meet up with Marlon. As they do, they then go and enter Marlon's room, and yet he's no where to be found.

Clementine: Guess he isn't here yet.

(YN): We should wait then.

AJ: Hey look.

AJ goes and grabs a picture of two young boys that seem familiar...

AJ: It's a picture, of Marlon and Louis. They look so young.

Clementine: Huh, guess they knew each other for a long time.

(YN): He did said Louis was like a brother to him. Makes sense.

Then suddenly, they heard the door creaking, as if it was trying to open...

Clementine: Marlon??

(YN): You out there?

Then, the door busts open, and it was Rosie.

(YN): Rosie!

Rosie barks of joy as she and (YN) started getting along more...but as for Clem, she was still scared to even say hi to Rosie.

(YN): Aw come on Clem, she's not that bad.

Clementine: Yeah, and look what happen the last time we encountered a dog??

(YN): That was different, Rosie has Marlon. He even said she's trained well. Here, I'll help you.

Clementine: I...I don't know.

(YN): Trust me Clem, it's gonna work.

Clementine: ....*sighs* Okay, I trust you.

Clem gives (YN) her hand, and he lowers her hand to Rosie to get into her level, as Rosie gives a sniff to Clem's hand...she can tell Clem isn't a threat at all, so she gives her a gentle lick, and to gain her trust now.

(YN): See?

Clementine: Heh, yeah, I know.

Marlon: Told you Rosie isn't a threat.

Marlon shows up...

Marlon: She may be frighten, but once you get to know her well, she won't be harm towards you. *Whistles* Rosie, lie down.

Rosie listen to Marlon as she walks to her bed, gets comfortable and lays down..

AJ: Thats so awesome.

Clementine: Huh, it is.

Marlon: Now Rosie will recognize y'all, she's really trained. She was the headmasters dog, back when this place was still functional. But when the world went to shit, he bailed. All the other staffs. Left us behind to rot dead, or so they thought.

(YN): Wow. What a dick.

Marlon: Underestimate of the century. So it's just us kids and teens left, and I'd like you two and AJ were part of it. Your welcome here, I mean it.

Clementine: We appreciate.

(YN): Thanks.

AJ: Thank you!

Marlon: Y'all are welcome. Okay then...

Marlon walks over to his table and shows them the map of the area and the safe zone...

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now