Chp.18 Minnie's Alive?!

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Once Abel has told Clem and (YN) where to find their friends. With Ruby and Tenn staying to look out the school. Clem, (YN), AJ Louis, Willy and Violet make their way to the woods sun head up west to the fishing pier, which can be located in the boat.

Clementine: Once we find the boat, we'll have to find a way to sneak in board.

(YN): That's the same exact thing that's on my mind. We need to come up with something to sneak in.

Violet: Guys look.

Violet luckily have spot the boat at the fishing pier...

Louis: That has to be it.

(YN): Alright, let's split up and look at areas that can help us sneak in, but also give them a distraction while at it.

They split up to a different area to take a good look at the boat. Willy found building material, furniture, and some stuff from the train station. Also finding a raft filled with supplies, which Willy can cut them loose and ride them down the water. He also found sheet metal and wood too, which can be useful to take, and torches to use the fire.
Violet and Louis spot some ways to sneak in the boat, the entrance is the only way to go in, and a small opening to go in the entrance, and lots of cover to sneak inside while taking cover. They will need some distraction to go in the path to reach to the boat.
AJ (YN) and Clem spot horses, more torches, hays to scare the horses too for a little distraction too.
They all group up again...

(YN): Okay, seems like we got our part done. I suggest we get out of here now before we get spotted. Let's go.

They make their way back to the school and talk about their plan to sneak in to the boat.

Violet: Okay, what's the plan?

Clementine: Well, they've got guards posted on the pier and on the boat. There's no way we can take them all at once.

(YN): Only way is to distract them while we sneak in.

AJ: We can burn their stuff.

Clementine: That works. We could burn the supplies, or the hay they keep for the horses.

Willy: We don't burn that we can take, the supplies. Horses too, Ruby loves them, but also the supplies. I can build traps and weapons.

(YN): Sure thing, we'll steal their supplies and burn the hay for distraction, but you gotta be careful to cut the raft filled with supplies and not be seen.

Willy: I can do it.

Clementine: The fire will lure the raiders way from the boat. And we can sneak across the pier.

Willy: But if we do, they'll shoot's us.

(YN): ....Wait, Clem. Didn't you say you and AJ met up with someone in the woods? James?

Clementine: Yea, of course. He sent walkers to save me and AJ from Lilly and Abel. Maybe we can convince him to do it again. If we lead a big enough group of them into the beach, we can blend in without being seen.

(YN): Sounds Good to me-

Suddenly, they heard a loud sound, as if someone was chopping woods. They all hide quick behind trees and bushes. (YN) and Clem spot someone chopping down wood, and might be part of Lilly's group.

AJ: A Raider.

(YN): Has to be...I'll interrogate her.

Clementine: Be careful.

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