Chp.7 The Unforgiven Truth

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It was still night, around 3-4am the most, and yet outside it was getting windy and was gonna rain anytime soon. In the room where Clem (YN) and AJ were in...they suddenly started to hear noises...Clem woke up first, then (YN) and AJ as they heard the noise getting a it louder and louder...

AJ: What's that??

(YN): Shhh.

(YN) gets off the bed and to come close to the noise, which was coming from the pipes somehow...

AJ: Those pipes...

Clementine: I think someone's trouble.

AJ: Is it us?

(YN): No, I don't think so.

AJ: If It's a monster, let's kill it.

(YN): I don't think so too. If it were, we heard more than just your gun buddy?

AJ: Uh-Huh.

Clementine: (YN)??

(YN): Im Gonna go check it out, see what's up.

Clementine: Okay, be careful.

AJ: Yea, they sound mad.

(YN): I will, and don't worry, I'll find out what it is.

(YN) walks out of the room and to walk down the hallway, he stops and to hear the noise coming from the basement....he opens it, but realizes it's locked.

(YN): Damn It, locked on both sides. There has to be another way to get in there.

(YN) leaves and to exit the building. As he was outside, he feels the breeze of the wind blowing hard, getting more cold, and there, he spots Rosie, sleeping tied up on the porch ...

(YN): Marlon needs to put Rosie back in, It's bad for her to be outside when the rain is coming. Anyways, if I remember, the map did say there's another way to go in the basement.

He roams around the field, and over at the corner, he spots a cellar door that leads down the he approaches it, he notices the door has a lock on it, he grabs a rock and to give two hard hits and managing to break the lock. As he does, he opens the door cellar, and can hear the noises a bit more clear...and sounded like an argument...he enters and shuts the door cellar behind and to arrive down and to follow the noises as it was getting more clearer and clearer...there, he spots a light, and two people as well, and recognizes the voices too. It was Brody and he got closer, he caused a little noise...

Marlon: Who's there? Show yourself.

(YN) reveal himself...

Brody: (YN).!

(YN): What's going on? What are you two doing here, in the dark??

Marlon: O-Oh. It's nothing, Brody and I are just talking, that's all, go get some sleep. You deserve a shut eye, you did had a busy day.

(YN): Well I was asleep, until you woke us up. We heard y'all through the pipes from our rooms.

Brody: S-Sorry about that, I never knew we wake you up.

(YN): You Wanna tell me what's going on??

Brody: ...

Marlon: It's really none of your business (YN), go back to your room.

(YN): You know, flashing the light at someone's face is inappropriate.

Marlon: Sorry, okay? Now go back and-

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