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As we left off, the boat exploded due to the bomb set off from the boiler room. After the boat exploded, it was in shambles and ready to sink in any moment now. Clementine was slowly waking up from the explosion and looked around to see everything set on fire, and also to see Lilly's dead body being dragged around while the boat was tilting. The boat exploded again, this time to cause Clem loose her balance and to her hat to fell off from her...

Clementine: Shit.

Suddenly, she felt her shoulder being grabbed on, as she quickly turns and to see it was (YN) surprise surprise.

Clementine: (YN)!

She hugs him with such joy and relief...

(YN): Glad to see you..

Clementine: So am I. Are you-

(YN): I'm fine...I managed to take the bullet off...shit was hella painful, but worth it. But right now, we gotta find AJ-

AJ: Clem! (YN)!

They looked and spot AJ hanging onto a pole...

Clementine: Hang on!

(YN): We're coming bud!

They spot a boat close to them, Clementine jumps onto the boat and so does (YN). As they were on a boat, they can see AJ still hanging, and from right there, they can manage to catch him if he lets go.

Clementine: AJ, you have to trust us! On to count of three, let go and we will catch you.

AJ: Promise?

(YN): Promise. Come on, you can do it. One..two..three!

AJ let's go as he started to slide down, and both Clem and (YN) to catch him on time and pulling him up on the boat...

AJ: Now what?

(YN): We need to find a way down. Boats not gonna last long.

Clementine: There! We can jump onto that little bit there.

AJ: It's kinda far to jump.

(YN): It is, but we can make that jump, so can you too AJ. Think you can do it?

AJ: Y-Yeah! I can!

(YN): Good. You go first, then Clem, and me.

AJ looks and focuses on the little hut, as he steps onto the edge of the boat and to make a big jump and to land on the hit safe. Clementine was next as she too made it with AJ....

AJ: Nows your turn-

The boat caused another explosion, and the boat hanging onto ropes began to snap and causing (YN) to slip off the boat...

Clementine: (YN) Jump!!

AJ: Hurry!

(YN) maintains his balance, as he leaps off the boat, and barely manage to made it to the hut, only to hang on and Clem and AJ picking him up as they made it safely. The three got off from the hut, and we startled as an arrow was shot near them, and to notice one guard survived from the explosion as they took cover...

Guard: Think you can walk away that easily?! You came here, kill my people and leave like that!? Fuck you!

As the guard comes up close, (YN) strikes a punch towards the guard's face, dropping the bow as Clem pick it up and to shoot him straight to the face and him falling back to the river. After, the boat started to sink and causing the bridge to sink along as well. They make a run for on the bridge and making it on land at last. But only to find out a lot of walkers were roaming around, and were surrounded as well. There were too much not even they can put up a fight with much walkers....but luckily, Louis comes to the rescue and to knock some walkers that were in their way.

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now