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Outside the building, at the Greenhouse, Clem and (YN) arrives and spot Mitch and Ruby waiting for them...

Mitch: Took y'all long enough.

Ruby: Mitch.

Mitch: ....

Ruby: Anyways, we try opening the door, and it's budged. Guess it's been a while since we haven't gone here, so much has changed.

(YN): Yeah, like the windows seem foggy and can't see inside.

Mitch: ....Guess there was too much condensation on inside.

Ruby: Condensation? Heh, that's a pretty big word for you.

Mitch: Oh shut up. Besides, there has to be another way to go inside.

(YN) approaches to the door and holds the knob...

Mitch: *sighs* Look I am really trying my best to be nice here, the door is budged, Ruby and I tried opening it, no way we can-

(YN) gives a tackle boots towards the door, and knocking it down, managing to go inside the greenhouse...


(YN): Just Gotta give a little kick to it.

As the entered, they spot two walkers in the greenhouse and notices them...

Ruby: Oh crap!

Mitch: Great, walkers.

(YN): I got this.

Mitch: What?? You don't even have a weapon.

Clementine: It's alright, he's got this Mitch.

(YN) approaches to the two walkers, and to swing punches to one Walker, knocking it down and stomping its head, and goes for the other, kicks it's knees, dropping the Walker down and to kick its face and stomping it and killing both walkers.

Mitch: Huh, not bad...I guess.

Ruby: Woah, look at these plants: Wild ginger, eastern prickly pear, Jerusalem artichoke, false Solomon's seal.

Mitch: Yea, that's good and all, but let's find the barbed wires and anything else that can be useful.

And so, they roam around the room a bit to look for barbed wires and anything else useful...Clem finds a crowbar, which can be useful to defend and attack, and (YN), luckily he found another weapon, that's he's always like to use, a baseball bat.

(YN): Jackpot.

(YN) keeps it, Clem approaches to the cabinet , uses the combat to pry it open. Once she does, everyone gathered and to then find the barbed wires.

Clementine: Found them, a lot of it too.

Ruby: That should be enough to keep them off the walls.

Mitch: Oh hey look! We can use these.

Ruby: Bags of dirt? For what?

Mitch: We can make bombs out of these.

Clementine: Serious??

Mitch's Totally, kind of stuff like this I use to do back home.

Ruby: He use to blow shit up, that's why he's a trouble youth.

Mitch: Heh, guilty.

(YN): You make bombs too??


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