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One night, at the house where the food was found before, Clem (YN) AJ Vi and Louis arrived and were hiding behind a boulder to not get spotted by walkers. Once they arrive at the area, they notice walkers all over the front yard of the house...

Clementine: There. That's where the food is.

(YN): A lot more walkers than we saw.

Louis: We're gonna die.

Violet: It's either die here or die from hunger, your pick.

(YN): I'll scope things around, can't be too sure around.

(YN) quietly looks over and besides bunch of walkers blocking the way, the door to go in is still open...but, they need a distraction to open a path from the walkers....he goes back to the others...

Clementine: Got something (YN)?

(YN): Hmm. Hey look, that bell from before. We can use it to cause noise to draw the walkers, if one of us climb up to that container and starts ringing it...

Violet: Louis, I vote Louis.

Louis: Um, hold on, I'd like to make an alternate suggestion.

(YN): I'm on Vi on this one, you can be pretty useful to distract the walkers.

Louis: Seriously?? Not you too.

Violet: Oh come on Lou, you can do it. You're loud, dramatic. You're basically a walking distraction.

Louis: I think you mean charming and theatrical. Entertaining doesn't come in mind.

Clementine: ...Hate to say this, but you should do it Lou.

Louis: Ouch. Okay then, I see how it is. Fine, I'll do it. But if I die, I'm making sure Walker Louis eats y'all first. Anyways, I'll distract them until I see y'all guys reach to a safe point, then I'll redirect the smelly patrol for y'all to rush in the house.

Clementine: Good, when we get into position, we'll give you a signal.

Louis: Okay.

Louis goes and grabs the bell and goes into position....once he climbs up the container, he began to cause a racket...

Louis: Heh uglies! Over here! Tell me, which one of y'all are the ugliest? Oh wait! All of y'all are!

The walkers were on Louis attention and not looking at Clem and the others as the jog over and hide for a sec. (YN) gives Louis a signal and notices it. He runs over to the other side to draw the walkers more and given them the chance to rush to the house...

(YN): Looks like pretty boy is doing a good job already.

Violet: For once. Anyways, I'll stay here and watch for walkers.

Clementine: Okay, me (YN) and AJ will sneak in, grab food and get out.

Violet: Good, make it quick though.

Clem (YN) and AJ make a run for to the house and made it safe. They enter and so far no walkers, only the ones that were tied up and owned the house. They head over to the room where the food is, and luckily, to take the food, they found for bags....which is good, but, at the same time...they weren't there before when they were here yesterday.

Clementine: Huh, duffle bags. They can come in handy.

(YN): Sure, but...where they here before??

Clementine: I'm not sure, but doesn't matter, we can use to carry as much food we can.

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now