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The next day, it was afternoon, at the school, Mitch and everyone else were in the yard, and were told from Louis and Violet about what happen to Clem and AJ, being captured by Abel and Lilly, who were the ones that took Sophie and Minnie last year thanks to Marlon...

Mitch: So let me get this straight, those raiders attacked Clem and AJ, and now you want to help them? Yeah, no fucking way, it's their problem now.

Violet: Jesus Mitch, stop being such an ass for once!

Louis: Nows not the time to argue about that again.

Mitch: Dude, seriously? Now you care for them? Didn't you wanted them out, you even said so yourself.

Louis: ..I did, but this is different.

Omar: I guys telling us about what has happen yesterday with them, Nows making confuse if we should help them or not.

Mitch: We aren't! Maybe those two already surrendered and turn themselves in and join those raiders so they can get us back for kicking them out.

Violet: No, Clem and AJ aren't like that, I know them more than you all do.

Willy: Oh come on Vi, you didn't even like them in the first place.

Aasim: Willy shut up, even so, she did started being more comfortable with them, we all did, besides...I think we made the wrong choice kicking them out.

Mitch: Not you too-

Aasim: I mean come on, they helped us take down walkers, Clementine saved me from them, and they even brought lots of good food out of the safe zone, something Marlon should've been smart about.

Omar/Willy: ...

Mitch: Still, you guys really want to bring her and that kid back, and just wait till he shoots us for whatever thing we don't like?

Omar: I

Willy: Nah.

Aasim: ....

Mitch: Exactly.

Violet: You guys aren't even helping, especially you Louis.

Louis: Wha-I'm on your side.

Violet: You aren't speaking more damn it.

Louis: Well what else-

Suddenly, they all heard a loud noise, and they turn and see the door building kicked down completely, and to see it was (YN) who kicked it down completely, and can see the anger in his face, glaring down straight, marching, and limping at the same time towards the gate, and Ruby trying to stop him from leaving and told him everything that has happen to Clem and AJ...

Ruby: (YN) please, don't go.!

(YN): Out of my way Ruby.

Ruby: I can't, you don't know where they could be, none of us do-

(YN): I'll find them, and won't stop till I find them! Now out of my way-

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now