Chp.21 Hello Old Friend

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As we left off, we were in Clementine and (YN)'s dream, having same dream, as the two dreamt about themselves being as kids back then, riding on the train, a familiar train they road before...and there, we see somebody appeared and to sit with them...this person was the one who took care of Clem and (YN) back when all of this started, protected them, cared for them, and loved them. It was none other, than the living legend himself, Lee.

Lee: Hey little ones.

(YN)/Clem: Lee?

They were happy to see him and so does Lee...

Lee: Why the train? You two always pick the train.

Clementine: We're not sure, maybe it's because this is we're it all started. Where you taught us how to defend, also cutting my hair.

(YN): Yea, and where you taught us how to shoot.

Lee: Heh, you two were a quick study. So, what's on your minds this time?

Clementine: ..We're worried Lee. We got lot of people depending on us.

(YN): And we don't know if what we're doing is right. I mean, at first I wasn't, would be easy with help from our friends...but now, I feel worried, like if...something bad is gonna happen, and have to be aware of it what's is coming.

Lee: Oh, I know that feeling. You know, I was making it up all up as I went along, right? Couldn't let in, of course. With you two being so little.

Clementine: Huh, never notice. It felt like you always knew the right thing to do.

(YN): And also being more smarter than us too.

Lee: Heh, I know, but I got lucky. Luck counts for a lot.

(YN): Well...we're gonna need some now.

Lee: Wanna tell me what you two are up against?

Clementine: We're in a different group now. And we've been many, and they always fall apart.

(YN): But this one, we like it, it's different, like it feels we're...home.

Lee: That's a good thing, it's hard being alone out there.

(YN): But we're in trouble. Some bad guys captured our friends, and getting them back might get us all killed.

Lee: ....I'm not worried.

Clem/(YN): What??

Lee: Whatever trouble y'all are in, you both will get out of it. You'll get your friends out of it.

Clementine: But, you don't know that.

Lee: I know you two are survivors. The Clementine I know is smart and quick, and and the (YN) I know is brave and strong. You two will fix it, I believe in that.

Clementine: Heh, You're right.

(YN): We just wanted to hear you say it. Yea, we will get our friends back, get them out of there, every one of them. Alive.

Clementine: Definitely and make sure we all get home safe.

Lee: That's right. Imagine what the boys is gonna say when they see you two. They will have hope again knowing y'all came to rescue them.

(YN)/Clem: ...

Lee: Aw, little ones. You know you two always get like this before something big. Remember how scare y'all were when the two of you charged into that mess at the McCarroll Ranch? You both survived, didn't y'all?

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