Chp.2 The School

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Somewhere, in a room, we see (YN) laying on a bed, bandaged up too. Then, his eyes slowly started to open as he woke up after the car accident from earlier ...

(YN): I??

He notices he's in a room, and also...he remembers about Clementine and AJ being taken after the accident.

(YN): Clem! AJ-

As he stood up, he notices his right hand being tied up with tape...he pulls his hand, ripping the tape off and got off the bed and looks around...he spots a medic box on the counter table too...

(YN): What is this place? Where the hell am I?? Damn it, I gotta find Clem and AJ.

(YN) walks over to the door, and notices it's locked.

(YN): <Mierda> It's locked.

He then looks around the room to find anything to open the door. So far, he hasn't found one way to open it, is to bust it open...(YN) again walks over to the door, grabs onto the doorknob, and to tackle the door, and for it to open and getting out from the room.

(YN): Hope I didn't made much noise-

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN) heard his name, and luckily to find Clem down the hallway...

(YN): Clem!

The two rush towards each other and giving each other a hug and a kiss...

(YN): Are you alright??

Clementine: I'm fine, you?

(YN): Same.

Clementine: W-Wait, AJ isn't with you??

(YN): No, I thought he was with you. Fuck, where could he be?!

Clementine: Okay Okay, clam down (YN), maybe he's around here. We-

Suddenly, the two heard footsteps coming from behind...

Clementine: Someone's coming.

(YN): Behind that cabinet.

They quietly jog to the cabinet and hid from whoever was coming....and there, they spot a young boy, who happens to be a bit older than AJ. The boy notices both doors that Clem and (YN) were in are open, he pulls out a knife for any suspicious. (YN) picks up a sharp glass shard on the floor, using it as a weapon and to startle the boy behind.

(YN): Don't move.

???: *gasps*

(YN): Stay where you are, and don't turn around as well.

Clementine: Do as we say. Put down the knife.

???: How about you both stand back?

Suddenly, another boy shows up, this time more older, yet holding a crossbow, aiming at (YN) and hiding through the shadows down the hallway..

???: Look, we're not gonna hurt you both. We got your boy safe. I'll take you two to see him. Just put down the shard.

(YN)/Clem: ...

The two weren't sure about it if they should believe the boy or not, but then again, he didn't seem so much of a threat at all, so (YN) tosses the shard away...

(YN): Your turn.

With that said, the boy lowers his crossbow and puts it back behind his scabbard and reveals himself.

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