Chp.30 Little Fun Time (Lemon)

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The following chapter contains a lemon chapter, readers description as has been advise.

In the dorm room, we see (YN) looking at himself in the mirror, looking at his upper body and to see all the scars, bruises and wounds he has took for Clementine and AJ, and to look at his hand, who he also risked his life to Save Clem from being bitten weeks ago after saving their friends. He was relief the infection didn't get to him much after it was chopped off...but then again, something was bothering him about it. Clementine then appears in the room as she gasps to see him looking himself at the mirror with no shirt on. (YN) notices...

(YN): O-Oh crap, hey Clem. I didn't see you there.

Clementine: Hey, just came to bring you your dinner.

(YN): Oh, thank you, but I'm not hungry for now. I'll save it for later.

Clementine: You sure?

(YN): ...Yea.

Clementine can see through his face that something was up with him. She shuts the door close and to place the food on the counter table and to approach to him...

Clementine: AJ told me you needed some everything alright, (YN)?

(YN): ...It' hand.

Clementine: Does it feel weird?? You want me to bring Ruby..-

(YN): No No, it's fine, it's nothing wrong with it. It's just...the fact I manage to survive the bite and not get turned, didn't worked on Lee.

Clementine: ...

(YN): I know it's weird saying this,'s been on my head for days, how he chopped his arm off to give him some time, and yet at the end it didn't work, but when it happens to me, and having my hand chopped went away all of the sudden. It's not fair. Lee should have lived, but it never happen...

Clem can feel the same. The fact when Lee got bit, chopped his arm off, and yet the infection was still on him, but as for (YN), it didn't. And it's true that it wasn't fair for Lee to die like that...but that's how it goes as they like to say. Clem walks up to him and to caress his cheek...

Clementine: Oh (YN), I know how you feel about it, and so do I. Yea, it's not fair it didn't work on Lee, but...well, it just didn't worked on him, is all I can say...

(YN): Yea, I know...but, at least we gave him a proper farewell, and he's now with Kenny and the rest.

Clementine: He is.

The two looked at each other and gave a gentle smile to each other...Clementine then started to observe his upper body, and to see all the wounds he's gotten before due to risking his life for her and AJ: The bullet wound from Marlon, the stabbed he got on his hand from Mitch after Marlon's death, a another bullet wound on his shoulder back at the boat from one of Lilly's guards, and lastly...his hand being chopped off, only to get rid of the bite infection knowing he saved her from being bitten...

Clementine: I'm so sorry (YN).

(YN): What?

Clementine: Just by looking at those wounds...and loosing your did all that to save me, and AJ...I'd never have you enough credit for it.

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