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Later that day, the sun was rising, and was about to be morning any minute. And only a few miles to arrive back to the school. In the woods, Clementine and AJ were walking up front, Clementine holding the axe she took away from Minnie and AJ holding his gun out too. And as for (YN)...he was walking behind them, and yet due of him being bitten, his skin began to slowly turn pale...the theee were very quiet, well Clementine and AJ only of course, the the two were very much saddened ... and (YN) trying to cheer them up to not think about his bite much...

(YN): H-Hey, I got a joke for you guys...why do crabs don't give charity?

Clementine: .....

AJ: ....

(YN): ...Cause they're "Shell-fish". Ba-Dum TSS...hehe.

Clementine: (YN)....nows not the time..

AJ: Yea....and, it wasn't even that funny...

(YN): Aww come now, trynna cheer you guys up...heh.

The two stood quiet again, and felt even bad by looking at him not feeling good...

(YN): matter what...I love the both of you...but, you have to stop thinking about it...there wasn't anything to do about it...

Clementine covered her eyes to not burst tears out and to hold it back as much as she can...

(YN): Aw Clem, I-*coughs*

(YN) started coughing as the bite was getting to him already more, he drops down to the ground on his knees as Clem and AJ go after him...

Clementine: Come can still walk, right?!

(YN): Y-Yeah...fuck.

AJ: ...There's gotta be something.

Clementine: much I agree with you, (YN) said, there's nothing we can do about it...all we can do is keep moving-

Suddenly, some of the walkers spot them and to walk over to them...

(YN): Damn it..!

AJ: Look! Over there, Jame's barn!

(YN): Good, you and Clem make a run for it over and get it open.

Clementine: And you?!

(YN): I'll catch you up both! Run! Now!

Clementine and AJ make a run for it to go get the bane open...(YN) stood up and can barely move still, he started walking over as more walkers started appearing. He pulls his knife and started stabbing them one by one through their heads. After that, he was close to get there...but suddenly, he lost balance and collapsed to the ground and lost bit of strength to keep on his feet...

Clementine: (YN)!!

AJ: I'll get him!

AJ goes save (YN), he carry him and to support him to walk over to the barn as Clem has the door opened for them. Once they made it, they and Clem rush in and to close the doors, her and (YN) were blocking the door to not let the walkers in, but were so much they can't hold it much longer...

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now