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While everyone went back to work after having a fun game of truth or dare, Clem and (YN) didn't had much to do, but to decide to go up to the bell tower and have a look all below the defense in school. It was night already, they arrive at the bell tower inside and notice the inside ruined, and the stairs almost durable to walk up...

(YN): Hopefully they hold.

Clementine: Let's make sure we don't take wrong steps.

They started to walk up stairs, and to walk slow so it won't break the steps. They can see their almost up to the tower, but to get there, they need to climb up. (YN) arrived on tio first, and so does Clem. They both arrive on top and to see the view of the forest, and the school too.

Clementine: Barbed wires, traps, weapons. Everything we planned.

(YN): Yup, guess that's much we're looking so far. So...wanna watch the stars? Since there isn't much to look at?

Clementines Heh, sure, but remember, we have patrol duty with AJ, he's gonna call us any time.

(YN): I know, come, I see a good spot to sit.

They walk around the tower and to walk over to a empty spot where they can sit, they sat together on the ground, and to look up and see the beauty of the full moon.

Clementine: Wow, beautiful.

(YN): Yeah, and the fresh air, feels so relaxing...Clem?

Clementine: Yeah?

(YN): Im glad you and AJ were okay after what happen to you two. I was so scared when they told me...I literally freaked out and wasn't myself when I heard the news....I just don't know what would happen to me...if I loose you, the both of you.

Clementine: I know (YN), I feel you...but hey, we're here now.

(YN): Heh, I know.

Clementine: So, do you know any constellations?

(YN): Nah.

Clementine: Really? They should have told you that in school.

(YN): And you should know that school is boring for me.

Clementine: Hehe, whatever. Anyways, I'll show you, I learn them in school.

(YN): Of course you did.

Clementine: Hm, let us make some up. Let's see...

Clem and (YN) both look up at the stars for constellations...

(YN): I mean, I did say I don't know about constellations, but does it also have a meaning about everyone's born under a special sign?? Determines your personality.

Clementine: Haha, not even close, that's astrology, not astronomy.

(YN): Yea Yea whatever, let's make it up our own. Our own rules though, not like we have to follow the original rules.

Clementine: Alright.

(YN): Oh! There, a fish.

The two see some stars that can be connected as one constellation, and picturing it as a fish like (YN) said...

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now