Chp.28 A Night To Remember

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Before we continue the story on its final moments...
Lets us take back some years ago, where Both Clementine and (YN) left Richmond and was heading to find AJ at the McCarroll Ranch. It was night, in the woods, the Ranch was in flames. There, both (YN) and Clem were riding a horse and to arrive and notice the building on fire.

Clementine: No!

(YN): Shit, AJ! We're coming.

The horse started to charge over to the ranch to quickly go save AJ inside the building. But as they arrive to the near entrance, a loud gunshot was heard and the horse was shot and to collapse, and so does Clem and (YN).

(YN): Fuck! Clem.

Clementine: I'm alright.!

Another gunshot was heard as the two crawled over and took cover behind the horses body. Clementine takes the chance as she pops up and to shoot the person that was shooting through the neck and can hear him gagging and gargling. The two rush over to him.

(YN): Hey! We're looking for a boy, about three years old. His name is Alvin "Lee" Junior.

Clementine: Have you seen him?

The person responded them with a middle (YN) strikes a kick to his face and sending him falling over from the bridge.

(YN): <Pedázo de mierda>

Clementine: Let's go inside.

The two rush inside the building and to avoid the flames. As they rush in, they see someone with an auto rifle and began shooting...

Stranger: Fuck you! Die!!

Both Clem and (YN) quickly rush behind some boxes as the gunshots stopped and can hear the stranger's gun being jammed. (YN) takes the chance, rushes at him and to tackle him, kicking the gun away from him and pull out his knife and aim it onto his neck.

(YN): Alright, I'm not fucking around here, do something dumb, I will not hold back.

Stranger: Okay! Okay! Alright...that way. There's a nursery. But I am not letting you savages take a kid!

The stranger pulls a knife out to try stabbing (YN), Clem comes in the save and shoots him through the head...

(YN): Thanks.

Clementine: Your welcome. At the nursery room, right?

(YN): Yea, let's go.

The two jog they're way down to the hall, and to then pass through a vehicle that were in their way. They both arrive to a room where they're bunch of bunk beds, and there they spot another room. Once they arrive in, they spot a lady...

Lady: No! I won't let you ...

She was about to pull a weapon about as Clementine acted quick, shooting her first straight to her face and killing her as her body drops to the ground.

Afterwards, the two heard someone from the lockers, panicking and sobbing quietly...and sounded like a little boy.

Clem/(Yn): AJ!

They rush to the locker and notice it's locked...

Clementine: Damn it!

(YN): Stand back.

(YN) pulls his bat out from his scabbard behind, and quickly hits the handle, breaking it loose and the locker to open free.
After that, they open the door...and there, they see Little AJ, on the corner crying...

Clementine: AJ.!

He notices as he turns and looks at them, and again looks away, scared...

(YN): Hey, it's okay little guy, it's us, (YN) and Clementine.

The two slowly reach for him, and to gently grab him as AJ lets himself, they can feel him trembling in fear. Once they got him out of the locker, Clem was holding him and AJ never letting go at all and still sobbing quietly...

Clementine: It's okay AJ, Clementine and (YN) are here now.

(YN): We're here buddy, it's gonna be alright now....Let's get him out of here. We can use that vehicle to drive off.

Clementine: Sure.

With Clem holding AJ, she and (YN) left the room. And to then pass by the bunk ends and to then arrive to the vehicle they pass by before...(YN) opens the shotgun door for Clem and AJ as the two entered and sat down. (YN) then walks around and to enter the driver's seat.

(YN): Here...clean his face.

Clementine: Thanks.

(YN) handa Clem a napkin he found on the side of the door as Clem wipes off the blood off AJ's face, and left it clean and wiping his tears off as he was now calming down now that he isn't alone anymore...

Clementine: So...where to?

(YN): As much I wanna go back to Richmond with Javi and them, but we have to stay away for a while, especially this whole area. It's like a war zone. So, we gotta...

AJ: ..Go.??

They were surprise to hear AJ finally spoke...

Clementine: Yeah, that's right AJ. This place, we can't stay here.

(YN): It's not safe here. But it's okay, we're survivors. And as survivors, the first rule of never go alone.

AJ: ...Never...go alone.

(YN): That's good buddy.

AJ: ...C-Clem...(YN)...

Clementine: That's right buddy, it's us, Clem and (YN).

The two were happy to hear that AJ still remembers them...and yet after being taken away from matter what, he still remembers them as the ones who took cared of them and raising him.

(YN): AJ...we've missed you, so much.

Clementine: From here on out, we will be on our own, and we will raise you right.

(YN): Also, we'll go find ourselves a new home, all three of us, together. And we will never leave you again.

With that said, AJ is now with Clementine and (YN) as to this day, will remain the day that AJ isn't living in just an ordinary normal world, but to live in an apocalyptic world...and luckily he ain't alone to live in it, now that he has two people that cares for him.
And the rest is history from then to now.


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