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As we left off, Clementine and them were tricked by Minerva to think she would "help". She locked them up in the cells, but leaving (YN) aside and taking him to Lilly instead.
Later, Clementine woke up after being knock out by Minnie. She notices her inside the cell and to look out from the cell and sees Mitch Omar and Aasim in their cell.

Aasim: Clem! You alright?

Clementine: I'm fine. What about y'all?

Mitch: Were fine..

Omar: For now..

Clementine: wheres (YN), AJ-

AJ: We're here.

Clem notices AJ with Louis and Vi in the cell together...

Violet: Clem.

Louis: Thank god you're alright.

Clementine: Same to you three, wait, where's (YN)??

Violet/Louis: ...

AJ: ...She took him.

Clementine: What?!

Louis: Minnie. He took him to Lilly. It's been a while now and nothings happen.

Violet: We're now worried for him.

Clementine: Shit..! Shit!! ...O-Okay, Okay. We have to get out of here now.

Violet: That's what we're doing.

Louis: Luckily we still have time before the bomb sets. We need to act fast.

AJ: ...

Clementine: AJ?

AJ: ...Im worried for (YN)...

Clementine: Hey, focus kiddo. He'll be fine, I know it, you should too. He's strong, he can handle whatever Lilly is trying to do with him, but as of right now, help us find a way out of here, okay? That's what he wants you to do, right?

AJ: Y-Yea! Okay.

Clementine: Okay, good

Clementine looks around the cell to find a way to escape...she then notices a little gap of the door down, and can see the nails loosen a bit...

Clementine: I might be able to chip away at this if I had a tool...wait. AJ, do you still have your knife?

AJ: Yea, luckily they didn't search me.

Clementine: Good, I need you to slide it over to me.

AJ slides the knife underneath the door and arrives to Clem's cell. She looks out to make sure nobody comes by. She then uses the knife the start braking the nail of the gap...but suddenly, one of the guards, came by, startled Clem...

Dorian: Hey!, whatever you're doing. Don't. I promise you, it ain't worth it. So step back.

Lilly: Is she awake?

Dorian: Yes, ma'am.

Lilly: Good. I'll take it from here.

Lilly arrives too, alongside with Minnie as Lilly approaches to Clem's cell...

Lilly: Where's Abel?

Clementine: I'd ask you the same thing, where's (YN)??

Lilly: I asked first. Don't make me repeat myself-

AJ: He's dead. We killed him. We put a knife on his head.

Abel: What?!. You little monster.

Clementine: We showed him mercy. He was terrified from turning, so we stopped him from doing so. We have him what he wanted.

S4 Clementine x Male Reader (Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now