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As we left off, Clem and AJ arrived back to the school thanks to James. As they did, (YN) rush and was happy to see them again, but also was worried sick about AJ being wounded and having fever at the same time...(YN) carry him as Violet takes them back in and to rush towards the building.

(YN): Ruby!

Ruby: Oh gosh! Come, upstairs.

(YN): Don't worry buddy, we'll take off the bullet out.

Clementine: We already did that.

(YN): We??

Clementine: It's a long story.

As they arrived up, (YN) places AJ on the sofa as Ruby checks on him...

Ruby: He's running a fever alright, but the body is trying to fight it off. Poor little guy. Don't worry, Ill take care of him.

(YN): Thanks, Ruby.

AJ: (Y-YN)...

(YN): Hey Hey, it's alright bud, you're safe now, Ruby is gonna fix you right up. Just listen to her, she's gonna look after you. Don't be scared, remember what we talked about? when fear takes over you, we...?

AJ: We...We Don't let it take over, and breathe.

(YN): That's right bud. Me and Clem will be here, just rest and let Ruby take care of you.

AJ: ..Okay..I'm just..glad to see you.

(YN): Same here kiddo.

(YN) leaves AJ and let's Ruby take care of him and goes up to Clem...

(YN): You alright Clem?

Clementine: I'm okay.

The two hug each other...

(YN): <Gracias a Dios> Thank god you two are okay. But, what the hell happen??

Violet: It's best we talk in another room. Come on.

Clementine: Yea.

Violet takes Clem and (YN) to Marlon room and talk about what happen.

Violet: Clem, back at the woods, you really did protect us from those two that pinned you down. Thanks. It's just, everything going on right now is fucked, everyone is scared.

Clementine: We can try talk it out, but it sure is to see you and Ruby again.

Violet: Us too. Just wish Mitch and the others felt the same.

(YN): We can talk about that later, but right now I'm more curious about what happen. Clem, what happen out there?? Ruby told me about you and AJ attacked by two raiders.

Clementine: One of them was that bastard you punched back at the house where we found the food. He was the one that shot AJ.

(YN): What?! Him!? Nrgh! <Ese cabron me lo va pagar> Bastards gonna pay when I see him out the woods!

Clementine: We can deal with him later, but right now, us two have bigger problem to deal with somebody else

(YN): Us?? And who else??

Clementine: ...He wasn't alone, he was with someone else like Vi said...Lilly.

(YN): Lilly?? .....Wait, Lilly!!? As in, Lilly that shot Carly?!

Clementine: That Lilly.

(YN): What.the.fuck?! I thought she died.

Clementine: So did I. Guess she survived after all.

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