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Your name is (Y/n) and you're a male. Your sexuality is gay. So! You love and I mean LOVE to watch SMG4! So you would watch and rewatch some of his videos!

So obviously like anyone else... you made and oc or something... Look anybody can make one! Even males! So you like to go by SMG5 or 5 for short. You told none though but you accidentally told your friends this but they supported you! They even started to call you 5 or SMG5! You even drew it yourself!

 You told none though but you accidentally told your friends this but they supported you! They even started to call you 5 or SMG5! You even drew it yourself!

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(Looking good huh? Huh?)

You're wearing a (fav color) hat with the letter 5 on it.

Your eye color is black fading to a light (fav or 2nd fav color) to a darker shade of it.

Your bandanna is (2nd fav color).

Your overall color is (2nd fav color).

Your shirt is (fav color).

You are wearing either white or (2nd fav color) gloves with the Greek number V for 5!

Your boots are brown or black!

And your height is the same as 4 and 3. And yes I'm making them the same height. Deal with it.


Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now